birthday week has been stupendous and glorious!!! will let yall in when its done!!!
okay i dont care about the british royals. well not all of them. i have been to different sites that usually do not talk about the british royals where they ask whether we think kate middleton is hot. so far the concensus or majority are dudes saying NO. i say do those guys have eyes? kate is a beautiful woman who has high sex appeal....
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agreed, she is lovely...

Unfortunately we have gotten too used to artificial, exaggerated beauty--plump fish lips, eyes caked on with shadow and falsies, huge implants, etc.
its been along time since playboy has gotten a celebrity that im already hott for to grace their pages naked but im going gaga over those karina sminoff pics! dancing with the stars FTW!

thats why i joined! the sg women are all beautiful and fucking sexy! playboy has a type for their playmates where the sg women are all individually sexy!

Thank you so much for comment on my new set 

im hyped for this summer of movies! i just like to be entertained. so many fun movies are hitting! some will dissapoint others will thrill. i mean i wanna see sucker punch. i wanna see fast five (bad title). i wanna see thor. i wanna see transformers. i could go on like a little kid but yeah im looking forward to a fun string of...
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sucker punch is excellent. definitely go see.
this summer is going to be awesome movie wise!
I'm excited for the new Pirates movie & Cowboys Vs. Aliens.
this summer is going to be awesome movie wise!
I'm excited for the new Pirates movie & Cowboys Vs. Aliens.

thanks love!
and a loss exposing would be my guess... haha
and a loss exposing would be my guess... haha
i just gotta get it out agian. i probably to talk or convey what is on my mind to this person but she never listened before why try now. i just dont think a decade plus should mean nothing. sure its over but there is a beautiful reason to keep talking. there will never be a time when we didnt happen why ignore it. i...
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The choice was made by Anemona, but i think se make a good choice too 
Thanks a lot Jon.

Thanks a lot Jon.

thank you very much! for your comment on my set <3
was out shopping and saw something i gotta buy for someone! right now i dont have a lady friend to buy girlie things for. so what i saw was a kc royals bikini! its a powder blue with a kc symbol on one breast and a royals symbol on the booty. i wanna buy it for someone so if any of yall suicide girls want...
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man i cant believe what i just did
nothing bad just adding to the excitement that been building
since i thought of doing what im doing
so fun
i know she will love it
almost all set up
she remembers so much she has a good shot of remembering this
if not i will remember
well also itll be my birthday
so much going on...
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nothing bad just adding to the excitement that been building
since i thought of doing what im doing
so fun
i know she will love it
almost all set up
she remembers so much she has a good shot of remembering this
if not i will remember
well also itll be my birthday
so much going on...
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really thank for your comment on my set <3

thanks hun!
what ever you do never settle
i didnt settle but i settled for being a safety net
lesson learned
i didnt settle but i settled for being a safety net
lesson learned
its getting interesting! im getting excited! i get to go see her at the end of the month! then a month later i get to keep her for an extended period of time! oh the places well go! i also sent her flowers for valentines day she should like them. i got her a beautiful set of pink roses and a pretty pink card with...
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hello pandie. my day is made! so what brings you to my page?
its about to drop snow hard in the midwest area! why again soo soon? oh well it happens. just as long as it melts before the end of february! after that i got some pretty fun things planne! im sure ill post about it.

thanks for the request

sweet im a mile stone!! 
thanks for the love love

thanks for the love love
it snowed big here in kc. i gotta work for royals fanfest. not complaining. maybe about missing fanfest. started to workout again. needed too. for me. my future is nice. still very open but i gots a plan. not set in stone but more or less guidelines.
saw green hornet today
its was bad
boring in the beginning
but actually kinda enjoyable towards the end
if they made a sequel i would see it
because all that story stuff is out of the way
i just cant get over how bad it was
and how i kinda want more.
its was bad
boring in the beginning
but actually kinda enjoyable towards the end
if they made a sequel i would see it
because all that story stuff is out of the way
i just cant get over how bad it was
and how i kinda want more.