When I became a member of SUICIDE GIRLS I knew that I would see beautiful women. I had no idea I would see a woman that I thought was physically the most beautiful woman I have seen. She went by Carrina Suicide. Through her blogs and messages, I thought, she's a fantastic lady. She was much more than just a pretty face. I never met...
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Is it weird to say that I'm thankful for all the ladies of SG, not just the ones who are hopefuls or SGs. I love this site. Thanks for being. Thanks for the BLACKHEART BURLESQUE TOUR.


Saw Nerdist Presents the Hive,

Pretty good. Interesting storytelling. "Zombie" movie that takes place in a camp ground, quaint movie about the power of feels. Watch it or not, good enough to kill time and not regret it. Bonus out of nowhere nudity! Classic horror camp nudity or not really, you'd look know if you saw.