I have to go to my uncle's funeral tomorrow. me and the whole "death" thing, I don't think we go well together. It's like oil and water. We all know oil and water don't mix, right Adore?
2004 is a suck ass year for me.
I don't think anything is going right. At least I have my Spaceballs on DVD. 'We ain't found shit!"
All those people who are commenting in my journal rock. I try to comment back, but I'm a loser and don't. Forgive me?
That is all.
2004 is a suck ass year for me.
I don't think anything is going right. At least I have my Spaceballs on DVD. 'We ain't found shit!"
All those people who are commenting in my journal rock. I try to comment back, but I'm a loser and don't. Forgive me?
That is all.
Can't sleep either?
2004 just started, it'll be better. It's true what Sebsis said, grab it by the balls. Enjoy your Yogurt.