ok so i have to write more..... things have been hectic since Halloween...school is bad this semester models can be so flaky...appointments are meant to keep!!!!....i got jumped on Halloween by two dumb ass jocks AND I FUCKED THEM UP GOOD...i don't enjoy fighting but when it comes at you it is such a rush...oh if your wondering why my friends girlfriend goosed some ugly girl and the ugly girl thought it was me i tried to explain to the fat uggo that it wasn't me it was her(my friends grlfrnd) fattys response was why would a girl grab my ass...huh? what? ummm..... because she is into girls duh..so fatty told her moron friends.. they didn't start shit in the bar but waited till i left... jumped me from behind i was with my girl she tried to help and got one of them in the balls(good job babe)...they tried to choke me but hooray for H.S. wrestling I started yanking on eyeballs....it scared them when i broke free..when i got to my feet it was on.....i was insane with anger (lol)...i started swinging knocked one down got the other one and then they tried to run away... two on one and they run away..... like i said before dumb asses....the funny thing about them running away one of those dude was dressed as officer dangle from reno 911 watching him runn down the alley in fear made me smile... later of course....my T day went well i hung with the girlies family ...nerve racking but fun i like to cook but i wasn't allowed to that day so i watched football and drank beers and played with the kids..my daughter is a giant she is standing on her own, she took a small step a couple of days ago i was so excited ..my life has been so topsy turvy but like always i land on my feet i don't have anymore time to think about issues....progression is the only cure for stagnation .. ....new relationships are hard enuff without my craziness involved..soooo that sums my life in the past 2 months...there is probably something i am leaving out..i will remember more later..i added a couple of new photos to work album comments are appreciated thanx.... blog you soon
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