This reminded me of the last time we tried to shoot. Her name's Evin and she's too cute. Can I come over sometime and see those pics and make some more?
I'm sorry about being flaky and rude. New meds make me not wanna do anything, but I think I'm getting used to them. Do you hate me? I love you!
Sorry again. I'm a jerk but I'll make it up to you somehow if you'll let me.
Hello SG can we say smile today ,yes we can ...alright on 3 2 1 smile OK that's all i ask for............... im pretty simple, its monday xrunning biking or skating i know i should go swim but that takes a little more effort then the others well ihpe your day gets better each minute
is beyond pissed is terribly annoyed and just stupid
a list of what i dont want in my life
1. if u like calling your self a loser don't talk to me
2. if u are upset with my actions please tell me right away so i know and i dont have to deal with it 4 months l8r and not now whats gpoing on... Read More
It sounds like you're dating the female version of the men I date.
It's good to vent though... it's just important to learn from it to not to make the same mistakes again (as hard as that is to do - and I am just now learning this for myself.)
My life is an odd one. my mistakes come back and seem to haunt me more lately then ever ..... i dont know why thing work out the way they do. im not a bottle of glue i can barely hold my life together lately..and people seem to expect me to fix theirs. I never hit a point like this before but i really have... Read More
I went through a bit like that... it was pretty rough. Here's hoping you've pulled yourself on out by now!
But yeah. Dating? It's one big awful mean joke. It's made all that much worse by popular media. They lead you down this path believing that your experience wont involve you being knee deep in leotardation. If cigarette companies can be sued for people not knowing flaming toxins would cause issues, than I think I ought to be able to sue certain movie producers, television shows, etc..
so i was writing before and just as i was about to post the servers decides to quit today is a better day ...its been six weeks since surgery and i skated yesterday, nothing to rad just trying to pik up so speed and just get my legs and mind used to it mind is not so consumed anymore .....i need to start... Read More
wow another stupid weekend......jebus !?!?!......I swear people specialize in drama ....I'm not gonna complain still healing ...trying to get to Europe in august any advice and tips would be rad holland? England? Or Ireland? Or all three I kinda want to walk or ride through one of these countries ....if your wondering yes I'm running away too much drama a fish tank today free... Read More
Wow how things change in a year ... For the better I hope so .....had my surgury Monday 2 weeks of keeping mellow.... Great.....pushing thru drama finally...finally