On Friday night I went up to Santa Barbara for the Bleeding Through/Scars Of Tomorrow/Day Of Contempt/Killing Theory/Suburban Crisis show. All the bands killed it and put on great shows. The highlight of the night came during Scars Of Tomorrow's set. Now, I've been pretty critical of the current scene and the people in it, but what I saw made me realize it's not as bad as I thought. During the SOT set, some poor girl was decked in the face by some jackass because she accidentally bumped into him in the pit. Not even 5 seconds after this douche hit her, the entire pit area jumped on this guy to beat the shit out of him. Within a minute, 40 pairs of fists and feet were giving this guy what he deserved. After security sifted through the mess to grab the guy and throw him out, pretty much the entire crowd from the show followed to make sure this guy got the point that he made the wrong move. Making sure he left the venue, and hopefully the city, the street was lined with kids ranging from 15 years old to 25 years old from the show. The guy tried mouthing off about being "west side" or something, but was quickly chased off by an angry mob waiting to tear him apart for his pussy antics.
This may seem a bit extreme, but to see a giant group of people come together under such circumstances, like the defense of a girl who was punched square in the face by some huge fake gangster for no reason, is a wonderful thing. People may look at the people in the scene as brainless kids that listen to loud music, but in reality, it's a close knit community that has good morals and wont stand to see something completely assanine take place infront of them. For the rest of the night, the crowd seemed to be a bit looser and friendlier. The rest of the night was enjoyed by all, with no other incidents taking place.
It's good to see the scene is in good hands with the younger kids.
This may seem a bit extreme, but to see a giant group of people come together under such circumstances, like the defense of a girl who was punched square in the face by some huge fake gangster for no reason, is a wonderful thing. People may look at the people in the scene as brainless kids that listen to loud music, but in reality, it's a close knit community that has good morals and wont stand to see something completely assanine take place infront of them. For the rest of the night, the crowd seemed to be a bit looser and friendlier. The rest of the night was enjoyed by all, with no other incidents taking place.
It's good to see the scene is in good hands with the younger kids.

yeah...i go up to the coach house a lot for punk gigs or down to LA...have a great wednesday!