in my head...
GET IT?! fuck i'm funny.
it's 12:15 and i'm bored. now you will suffer for it.
i spent yesterday alphabetizing all 8976546786787987986 CDs of mine. why you ask? i really don't know. but i bet one day i'll be glad i did it.
i just realized i forgot to call amanda today, she wanted to hang out. oops.
i am officially on my 2 week vacation from work, who wants to bet i do absolutely nothing in the next 2 weeks?
i got conned into joining that hipstir site, what the fuck is with all the philipinos on it?
can you believe this is the stuff that goes on in my head? i'm out there.
the new version of AIM licks my balls.
speaking of, hot girls need to talk to me. seriously, it's getting sad.
hahahahahaha "chainsaw hands can't eat those sour grapes" thank you sealab for another great moment.
listening to megadeth is awesome.
i should publish a books of my stupid ramblings, i bet one person would chuckle at them.
xmas shopping is for suckers, that is why i am doing it tomorrow.
i really need to fix my sleep schedule. i won't be tired for another 5 hours. yeah, that's right, at 5am i'll be getting some shut eye.
no one cool stays up this late to talk to, this is why i am the champion.
GET IT?! fuck i'm funny.
it's 12:15 and i'm bored. now you will suffer for it.
i spent yesterday alphabetizing all 8976546786787987986 CDs of mine. why you ask? i really don't know. but i bet one day i'll be glad i did it.
i just realized i forgot to call amanda today, she wanted to hang out. oops.
i am officially on my 2 week vacation from work, who wants to bet i do absolutely nothing in the next 2 weeks?
i got conned into joining that hipstir site, what the fuck is with all the philipinos on it?
can you believe this is the stuff that goes on in my head? i'm out there.
the new version of AIM licks my balls.
speaking of, hot girls need to talk to me. seriously, it's getting sad.
hahahahahaha "chainsaw hands can't eat those sour grapes" thank you sealab for another great moment.
listening to megadeth is awesome.
i should publish a books of my stupid ramblings, i bet one person would chuckle at them.
xmas shopping is for suckers, that is why i am doing it tomorrow.
i really need to fix my sleep schedule. i won't be tired for another 5 hours. yeah, that's right, at 5am i'll be getting some shut eye.
no one cool stays up this late to talk to, this is why i am the champion.
what's with all the hot boys in ventura? i think i need to move down there.... and i'll be on for another few hours probably, so i can talk!
its time to get this place jonovisioned.