Me and Christina, having fun at work!
I don't know why I can only manage one update a month lately.

Paris Vs Banksy
Whoa, I am a total slave to pop culture!!
I covered 4 dj shifts at the sushi restaurant i used to spin at a few years ago, and didn't didn't black out from drinking too much any of those nights! a small victory. Narrowly avoided being crushed by one of the speakers, and i got to play the Minutemen and Meat Puppets one of those nights. Nothing beats free sushi and, at times, devastating eye candy.
The store i work at finally got bought out by a corporation. This whole summer was filled with uncertainty and sadness, as negotiatians dragged on and on and it looked like the deal might fall through. I've known the owner for 20 some odd years and worked with him for the last ten. I've watched his kids grow up, and without a doubt he is one of the nicest, most caring people one could ever hope to be lucky enought to count as a friend. At one point no one knew who would still have a job, and a few of my co-workers, who had become good friends, quit. I stayed, because records are the only thing I know anything about, and i'm just not ready to leave this comfortable bubble of mine. The new point of sale system is a bitch. At least they aren't changing the name of the place. All the new red tape sucks, but at least i can still wear my Slayer shirt to work.

Does anyone know why ant colonies do this strange dance every Spring??
Me and Jason had another Retro-Motion party, we're back up to one a month. Good thing it's only once a month, or I'd probably be : a) dead b) in jail c) hospitalized.

Yes, me in the background taking a dancing break from spinning Madonna, George Michael and The Cure records.

I have no idea who this girl is.
Things were going great that night, until we decided to pop some pills. I promptly threw up on stage. That X was total bunk. Oh, and i managed to fuck up my 2nd digital camera this year. I either fell on it, or barfed on it.
No penguin suit this time, don't want to beat a penguin into the ground, yes??

I stayed up til 5:30 in the morning watching "Lost", season one.
This homeless guy on crutches sang along to "Bohemian Rhapsody" at work last week. I might have joined in, but he was emitting a 10 ft. radius of of the worst body odor ever. But for the grace of God and some good fortune, i could have been that guy.
Anyone want an 80's mix cd? I made it for ShellyMC and dorwayin, and she said I could share it. Be forewarned, it's ultra cheesy

Shelly and dorwayin sent me an awesome VHS(!!!). "The Devils" is amazing!
Two weeks ago this woman took the hat off my head and threw it into the crowd of dancers. I must have said something really charming! Thankfully, I can't remember what I said, unfortunately i never found my hat. That was a brand new hat, too!
Have I convinced you all that it's time for an intervention yet?

1. Neil Young: Ragged Glory
2.. Neil Young: Rust Never Sleeps
3. Boris
4. Electric Wizard: Dopethrone
5. Om
6. M. Ward
7. Six Organs of Admittance
The other day, my friend told me that when if the world ends, she hopes that I am there with her when it happens. That's about the best thing someone has said to me in a long long time...
PS: you all still need to listen to my radio show, Lunch With Jonny Trrrash. Sundays from noon to 2, Mountain Standard Time!
hey. yeah. hmmm. right. we're all morons i guess. but i don't know. you live and learn...so you hopefully know what to do next time!
Chick tracts are little religious comicbooks that churches place in bathrooms of stores to try to promote their church. Ussually they tell stories about why Jesus is great and how you'll go to heaven for following Jesus and how you're going to hell if you follow any other religion besides protestant christianity. It's funny and sad at the same time. www.chick.com