If what Isobel says about Nightcrawler is true, I'm in for a real treat whenever I go and see X2.
One of the cats threw up all over the blanket that Holly made for me. *sigh* I told my brother to not leave out that plastic grass stuff from his Easter basket. The cats eat it and they get sick. He knows it. Why can't the fuckin' puke in his room? CHRIST!
And just seeing it makes me dry heave.

One of the cats threw up all over the blanket that Holly made for me. *sigh* I told my brother to not leave out that plastic grass stuff from his Easter basket. The cats eat it and they get sick. He knows it. Why can't the fuckin' puke in his room? CHRIST!
And just seeing it makes me dry heave.

I thought everyone had heard of Centralia. I don't even remember when I first heard of it, but I've been very interested since.
you can still see naked pics of kristina... you just hane to go to the archive in the girls section......