Fuck Friday the 13th. Yesterday just fucking sucked. My train to work was held up and searched repeatedly by police officers, and then I ran over my $250 iPod with a forklift. Later on, I find out that corporate is making us work mandatory overtime next weekend and possibly the following weekend. That's bad enough in and of itself, but then I have to listen to everyone bitch needlessly about it and they don't even know what they're talking about. They guys at work all bailed out on going out for drinks. Heard from Kristy, so I met up with her and we had a few drinks, and shot some pool down at the Waterfront Hotel. She took a cab home and I waited over an hour for a bus that didn't come. Ended up catching a cab and wasn't paying attention so I got off at Northern Pkwy and not the bottom of my street. Some fucking kid, couldn't have been older than 17, ran up behind me with some pepper spray. I've wondered what I'd do in that situation. He told me to give him my money, which I honestly didn't have on me. And then he said "What, you think I was really going to rob you? I just want to show you white folks that you shouldn't be out this time of night?" What the fuck is that? Is that some clever way of backing out of robbing someone when they don't have any money? I was fucking glad that nothing else happened, but still, what the fuck is wrong with people? I wanted to fucking hit him. I don't know what I'd have done if he didn't walk away then.
Fuck you Friday the 13th. Fuck you and your cops on the train. Fuck you and running over iPods with forklifts. Fuck mandatory overtime. Fuck people bailing on you last minute. And fuck stupid fucking kids that think they're badass.
Fuck you Friday the 13th. Fuck you and your cops on the train. Fuck you and running over iPods with forklifts. Fuck mandatory overtime. Fuck people bailing on you last minute. And fuck stupid fucking kids that think they're badass.

I'm sorry your day sucked