So I finally got Diablo 3. I got it for ps4. My psn is either jonnygedds or jonny_gedds I honestly don't remember which lol
Hello friends, it has been way too long since my last blog. So I figured since I'm procrastinating at work any way might as well give y'all an update.
Lets start with how I was almost crushed to death back in March lol. I laugh about it now, but when it happened I thought I was done for. So what happened was a forklift driver...
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First off why is all the text of the site centered in the middle of the page? Is this happening to anyone else?
Ok now to the news: I'm competing in a grappling tournament March 29th. I'm really excited about it. I'm entering 2 divisions no gi beginner and white belt gi.
I made my own beer! It finally finished and I have to say...
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