Its amazing how long a day is when you dont sleep, i mean right now its only 8 am and im feeling fine, i've been working my ass off, i mean noot that it does me any good cause im being irresponsible with my income buying useless shite with it and wht not, but i'm having fun, its been awhi9le since i had a job that made me work my ass off, i mean 40 to 57 hours a week inbetween 4 days, i mean seriously, its fun, oh yeah just in case you wanted to know im a pizza guy, manage a papah johns in champaign, i get paid a measley 6.50 an hour
but thats cool its never been about the money, its been about me being able to A: stay out of trouble, B: have fun working and advancing my knowledge, i meet some pretty stoopid people at work, and i meet some pretty nice people too, i also meet just plain pretty people, like sterling, and .... weell thats it, just this guy, everyone else didnt stick around to talk, mmmm so bored, whacked is a fun Xbox game, buy it play it high drunk on heroine whatever your vice, do it, and laugh alot.... well im alive i love you all and i love cherry's new look, not like new new, but new enough, i want the collectible doll if its available.

for only $6.50 an hour? damn...