Woooooo just woke up, like 1ish and i realized i had no pants on.... but thats beside the point, things i can and have done o the poop depository are... oh man...
Played nes,snes,and sega, shaved my man snatch, pits, and tummy.... doesnt really need it, i just felt like doing it once to see what i would look like.... petted fed cats, kicked a bottlerocket, watched a movie, and smoked a j...... mmmmmm poop depsitory..... wlado is in wisconsin, just past sheboygan if your heading north on route 43...... yeah didn't see that one coming, and the three hammers are, there two in level 1 one in scene three the other in the first castle before the main one, and the third is hidden in the hiding hammer bro behind a rock in the 2nd level i think, you need the hammer to get it.... so BOO-YEAH!!!!
My best bud just broke up with his girlfriend, and thats sad, but he's holding up pretty well.... hope everything goes well for him....
I was stood up by my lunch date, so went with ity and our bud kate to a sub shop and talked doo doo with em, chicks are so much fun...... I would love to learn, if any one has anything that they can teach me, i owuld seriously love to learn it. Whether it be how to sew a pair of pants from scratch to the inner depths of religion and world harmony, i want to learn more than i already know so bring on some stuff... STUFF!!!
Not much to say had a good day, watched a cool samurai zombie alien fbi world is gonna end movie, called VERSUS... so if you like gore and stuff, then do it to it...
Enough bantering, question time.... ready.....
when was you realized your best friend was no longer your best friend? why is it that when people look at other people they only judge them by looks before actually talking with them or getting to know said people/person? what is the main heros name in metrioid?
So, this link is to somewhere you dialuppers might not like, but either way i love you all......
it so sweet just touch a drip
Chicks are fun. Sometimes. I love to learn, too.
I've never had a best friend, so I can't answer your q, sorry
Cherry xox