Q: whats the difference between a dead baby and my girlfriend?
A: I don't kiss my girlfriend after swex.

there you go, my worst dead baby joke... yeah, the first tiime i almost felt like i was gonna die was... when i died in a dream, i was crushed by bigfoot/sasquatch hybrid, he just chased my car down my older brother escaped and then i got caught in the bcak seat, crushed, and i saw myself die, just squished to death.... i awoke with a dry scream, and couldn't omve for an hour or so, then i started crying.... other than that i never ever felt like i was about to die, just wish i were dead.... now the kicker is.... right 36, left 10, right 59, right 97... where were you guys on that one... heh
going to lunch with a deaf guy, walked home from the bank left my girlie some cash so she can go to lunch with one of our friends, mebe i'll get to go too, met a faceless retired ol lady today, she gave me barbq chips and asked me how life was, then an old man edging his lawn, who also asked me the same,...... am i supposed to move on to something, nmore thaa likely... or mebe just coinky dinks.... but, so far good day, mebe something bad will happen to even it out.
AHH yes, i hope no one has a bad day at work today, if you do, remember, they hired you because they're to dumb to do it themselves. Don't let anyone push you around, and fight for free donuts on the job....
so today simple questions, things you can do while sitting on the pot, find waldo in under a minute(can you do it?), where are the three hammers in mario 3 on snes,
And i quote::: "Oooooh, SORRREEEE!! I only created THE UNIVERSE!!! You're right i should be out running LAPS."
the reason i know so many dead baby jokes:
heh.... heh....
1] i can:
paint my nails
cut my toenails
read some porn
practice singing for recording
play fetch with my cat
shave me snatch
2] dude. hes right behind the guy whos throat got slit by the pirate. duuuuuh. that was an easy one.
3] never had anything above regular nintendo
wish i could move. too many people who would be pissed. plus, i got me cat to worry bout...... *sigh*
i tried to open the song, but i dont got neither the program, nor the patience to load it. give me instant gratification or give me nothing!