Soundtrack of the day :Mortiis; AntiMetal, Cake; It's coming down, Gomez; Whippin picadilly, Amon Tobin; Cat People, HIM; right here in my arms:
"... and its your parents who should be teaching you these things, but.... well I just don't want you to think that this piece of shit is anything other than a pathetic human defect. Nothing More. Not a monster, not a bogeyman. Nothing but another reason to feel better about yourself. Understand that its just a person- not worth devoting any nightmares to. Observe and I'll prove it.You flaw at I'M under the delusion of doing something productive. See biones and tissue, tubes and fat. All sustained by blood. Nothing more than a poorly tended machine. AND LOOK!!! It has a brain!! Filled by the blood that races heavily in times of grotesquely hightened desires and vices. You can see the matter and feel the substance, but eyes and hands are useless.For sensing the rot and filth of ideas that drip from these things!! Two species under one name -human- seperated only by the working of their minds. This one is human only in appearance!! a clever disguise for a simple animal. The real humans are harder to find.Sometimes, Its easy to feel like your suffocating in a world where the rotten ones are all you know, but never lose your clarity. NEVER forget that these things exist in all forms, in all places, in all colors! Recognize this and know that you are better!! There is nothing wrong with feeling above these sacks, which are so obviously FUCKED UP!!! Revel in the superiority of your perception!!! *splat* hmm... of course, these are My opinions - likely to be just as flawed as anyone else's. Um, really i guess you should assume everyone is speaking out ofsome external influence. Beleive in whatever makes sense to you." ..... yeah it always nice to talk with someone who knows what they're talking about, and it also hurt to have a favorite of yours crushed just as quickly as a moth on a burner.....
Todays Q's..... these are horrid..... tell me your favorite/worst dead baby joke you've ever heard, when was the first time ou thought you were gonna die, what is the combo to the safe in ff7... DO IT NOW!!!!! you have 25 seconds before the test is up.... i kid.... its 20.....

you can keep the bungee legs.