sooo tired....uhhhhh, kill me... blackeyed
Most likely, seems like something the government would do.
I saw two car accidents today. It's weird how life can change in a single moment.
I feel bad for people who's who life is just a series of mundane experiences; tv, food, a couple of movies and an occasional fuck.
You learn so much about yourself by the retrospect of how you dealt with the big moments. When she said "I'm in love with...
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i completly agree with you.
"If the universe is a spiralling funnel of energy coming together and then braking apart again, and we are all physically and spiritually connected, it only makes sense to try to spread love and happiness. "

Truer words were never spoken. Your entries are interesting and thought-provoking. It seems you've been through a lot of shit... I'm glad that you can still keep a positive outlook on things. I know what it's like to hit rock bottom and to have everything you know fall apart around you. It's not always easy being alive.

New tatt last night, very pleased.

thanks for your comment! adn i love your profile pic! wink
what a grand ole hallo gift...damn I'm jealous
O.K., just to inform the inquisitive, a little about myself:
I'm a 25 year old white-Irish-American that grew up in Hiroshima, Japan. My father taught English at a Military Base High School, and I brought me there in 1985. I started a band with my brother in '96 and ended up working on the base to stay in the country when my old man left....
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Tired...Did my once-a-year drunk last night and put up a profile on SG. I love this site.
In the last few days, I've set up my home recording studio, set up the band's rehearsal space, filed to create a record company, wrote and recorded a new ambient song and called my Mom twice. I don't even have the energy to masterbate.
Good news is, I'm...
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I'm never drinking again.... puke