"Let not sadness drip upon your weeping dream,
If it would,
For me to be,
Your servant's temperate mule,
Closen your joy to my love...
It would be my most happy, humble state...

but for right now, I'll just close my eyes and pretend
that it's possible, to learn from beginning to end
the unnatural shapes that our lives have to bend
until the flowers...
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Happy Holidays Everyone! Love and Peace to All.

I got drunk and sent both of them flowers last night...I'm in love with both and yet I can't be with either. Usually I'm fine with that; as long as they're happy; but neither of them seem to be lately. That really fucks me up. (in my once-a-year drunken haze, I also seem to have stumbled onto...
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I use my credit card everywhere I go because I'm constantly seeking approval.
"Love Cannot Be Betrayed the same as A Tree,
Or the Sea, Or any Other Mystery.
It is The Eyes Withwhich We See.
It is The Sinner and The Saint,
It is The Light Inside The Paint."

O.k., I stole this from an obscure movie, but in some nonsensical way, it seems to be the best definition that I've personally heard. Who knows...It's different EVERY...
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Im so sick right now, if I could write the beauty that is her shining eyes reflecting into the cosmos and coming back again straight at mebut there are so manyso many little bright pinholes to choose from. I know shes out there struggling and alone, strong and on the phone trying to make some sense out of her life. She just wants that guy...
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Your entries are cryptic and interesting. Sounds like you lead a quite interesting life, to say the least. Who are you writing about in this entry if you don't mind me asking? A lost love? Someone who broke your heart once?

Oooohh, that flu kicked in. Gonna havta bust out the NyQuil with the big fucking "Q." blackeyed
So I took my friend BJ up to San Francisco last week to change her life. Said she never had one of her own, so I offered to give her one. I knew her from before in Florida so I had nothing to expect. Never thought in a million years that I'd fall for her, but this trip wasn't about me so I held back...
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Finally got some sleep the last couple of days. Tryin to fight against getting the flu. With a shitload of robotussin on my side, we'll just see who wins.

Had a lot of deep shit to write earlier. Ah fuckit, the mood is gone. whatever
Two full days without sleep! I'm beginning to see little fat fairies. They make me happy....
No, those are midgets. I saw them too wink