okay so this is the most frustrating week of my life. nah, i'm just shitting balls. has anyone seen this?
it's sooooo weird. love it. how do you do that...
this week has been crazy. i'm about to break up with my company.
"it was all a dream" - ya except that it's about to unravel.
it started out with us wanting to import jeans into korea.
now, last week, our main investor pulled out. that means our 2-3 million we were depending on does not exist. bye bye.
let down of the century? nah, just close.
now we're (read: ME) out the hole TEN FUCKING GRAND. I BORROWED MONEY, I BROKE MY FUCKING IRA for this.
not that we didn't try. not that our ceo sweated his ass over in korea trying to get our shit going.
no. it's our fucking investor.
and now i'm broke (basically). barely making it at my spa. i just put both my student loans on HOLD so i can survive the next few months.
and now...my car is need of 2400 bucks of repairs! go figure.
wanna hear the good news? i'm designing a TOP SECRET product. I've had this planned for forever, since i left massage school. finally coming together. if my car doesn't break down, if i can pay my bills, and if my research participants all work out - i will be the proud owner of a
TA DA - massage instructional program!
no it's not as sexy as saying i'm the marketing director/owner for a import/export fashion company. fuck.
butttt we're hoping. a product on market and a marketing buddy doing the marketing is WAY better than taking my hopes and dreams and throwing them across the Pacific.
I just can't go on pouring money down this hole.
Something cooler - okay so i'm basically a neo-athiest. Which means...i believe that there's unexplainable pheonmena, but not a man on a cloud. No god, but "energy". K?
My parents were visiting last weekend because my cousin was getting married. I wanted to spend as much time with them as possible. Spending time with them on a Saturday means going to church - my parents are Seventh Day Adventists.
In case you don't know what an SDA is: think of it like this. Reformed Jew meets Fundamentalist Christian. Go to church on Saturday, no pork, and usually vegetarian. Add the normal irrationalist dogma of right-wing Xianity, and you have a SDA.
Not that they're bad people, just not terribly rational.
I roll up to the local church (which is near my house actually). It's an ASIAN church. Which means, there's services in english and chinese (in this case). After the normal neo-asian greetings and "I remember you, don't I?" from the greeters and people in the lobby, we sit down in the main room.
We're just in time for the Sabbath School portion - (read Sunday School) which is essentially a lesson before the sermon.
Most SDA churches, in case you haven't be in one, have a format that goes like this:
3-4 Songs (these vary greatly depending on the location)
Little Welcome Speech
Short Bible Verse Reading
Special Music Number
Opening Song (last before the little talk)
Little Talk
Age-relevant Classes
now, in larger churches, the age relevant classes are self-standing. BUT because this is a chinese church, and there are gray areas in who speaks English, they do it in the format above.
I am bored instantly when i walk in the light yellow walled room. It smells of dust and 70's paint. Old maple wood slouches into a mediocre semi-Gothic arches. I hate this place already. No hot girls. Fresh off the Boat asian teens, that are too obedient to not come to church, but don't really care, sit on the other side (the Groom's Side). (that's the right side, right? i always get them confused)
i actually harmonize during the songs - poorly written as they are. i text silently during the verses. then a hasty Cantonese guy gets up and starts blathering on about music - which is apparently the special topic for the day.
Music - one of my favorite arguments while I was an SDA. I pull out my notepad on my phone to attempt to write up counter points.
He pulls up the lamest power point presentation EVER. This guy MUST have done it at 2AM last night, because a baby could have done a better job.
He starts off talking about music, how he "struggled" with listening to "wrong music" and that events in the bible were effected by "wrong music".
he then starts telling how listening to bad music can affect your mental state, and shows a pic of some serial killer from our local area about 20 years ago. apparently he listened to (gasp) AC/DC. He then finishes up with a short statement about how God should be the center of our lives, and that we shoudl be living accoding to what he says.
'God' never said anything about music genres.
Really? I am so furious at this irrational brainwashing that I completely stop taking notes and am about to shoot to my feet. I am so ready to take up the theological gauntlet thrown down.
These poor kids. All they're getting is rhetoric and finger wagging. No real logic EVER pervades his talk. He then wraps it up, and the little groups break out for the age-related classes.
Thankfully my family has to catch a plane, so they don't stay long and then leave. One lady asks me when we're coming back.
"Oh, my parents live in Oregon, so it may be a while"
"Oh, but you live round the corner?"
"yes, i do."
(she has this expectant look)
I look her in the eye. "Sorry, I DON'T go to church anymore." I smile, turn on my heel, and leave.
How can these people let these things happen to these kids. Music is an art form. Music doesn't necessarily CAUSE violence. If there was a right form of music to "praise god by", and "live your life by" then we could successfully say that the "wrong music" in a worship service would be Blasphemous - what about African American churches - they have a party with their music compared to conservative white (or wannabe white - Asian- churches).
Music can move people, but it is so personal and means so many things for different people that you cannot say a form of music is WRONG. Music is an expression. As a former musician, there's nothing like playing a song that expresses how you feel.
But to finger wag at hapless kids that either don't understand or care about what you say is pointless.
I'm gonna infiltrate that church, and start a fight. lol. I swear.
And it's not about the argument as much as it was the shoddy job the speaker did. It wasn't even prepared well, it was riddled with poor logic. If English is your second language, then, i'm sorry, please make sure what you're saying actually MAKES SENSE.
Music doesn't cause psycho killers. Mary Jane does! (said a 1950's esque ad).
"GOD" doesn't care about what music you listen to - YOU should care about WHY you like your types of music. What does it say about you? And that's not wrong. It's just you.
Jeez. And the next day, I found out about our investor failing. lol.
All in all, an epic weekend.
it's sooooo weird. love it. how do you do that...
this week has been crazy. i'm about to break up with my company.
"it was all a dream" - ya except that it's about to unravel.
it started out with us wanting to import jeans into korea.
now, last week, our main investor pulled out. that means our 2-3 million we were depending on does not exist. bye bye.
let down of the century? nah, just close.
now we're (read: ME) out the hole TEN FUCKING GRAND. I BORROWED MONEY, I BROKE MY FUCKING IRA for this.
not that we didn't try. not that our ceo sweated his ass over in korea trying to get our shit going.
no. it's our fucking investor.
and now i'm broke (basically). barely making it at my spa. i just put both my student loans on HOLD so i can survive the next few months.
and now...my car is need of 2400 bucks of repairs! go figure.

wanna hear the good news? i'm designing a TOP SECRET product. I've had this planned for forever, since i left massage school. finally coming together. if my car doesn't break down, if i can pay my bills, and if my research participants all work out - i will be the proud owner of a
TA DA - massage instructional program!
no it's not as sexy as saying i'm the marketing director/owner for a import/export fashion company. fuck.
butttt we're hoping. a product on market and a marketing buddy doing the marketing is WAY better than taking my hopes and dreams and throwing them across the Pacific.
I just can't go on pouring money down this hole.
Something cooler - okay so i'm basically a neo-athiest. Which means...i believe that there's unexplainable pheonmena, but not a man on a cloud. No god, but "energy". K?
My parents were visiting last weekend because my cousin was getting married. I wanted to spend as much time with them as possible. Spending time with them on a Saturday means going to church - my parents are Seventh Day Adventists.
In case you don't know what an SDA is: think of it like this. Reformed Jew meets Fundamentalist Christian. Go to church on Saturday, no pork, and usually vegetarian. Add the normal irrationalist dogma of right-wing Xianity, and you have a SDA.
Not that they're bad people, just not terribly rational.
I roll up to the local church (which is near my house actually). It's an ASIAN church. Which means, there's services in english and chinese (in this case). After the normal neo-asian greetings and "I remember you, don't I?" from the greeters and people in the lobby, we sit down in the main room.
We're just in time for the Sabbath School portion - (read Sunday School) which is essentially a lesson before the sermon.
Most SDA churches, in case you haven't be in one, have a format that goes like this:
3-4 Songs (these vary greatly depending on the location)
Little Welcome Speech
Short Bible Verse Reading
Special Music Number
Opening Song (last before the little talk)
Little Talk
Age-relevant Classes
now, in larger churches, the age relevant classes are self-standing. BUT because this is a chinese church, and there are gray areas in who speaks English, they do it in the format above.
I am bored instantly when i walk in the light yellow walled room. It smells of dust and 70's paint. Old maple wood slouches into a mediocre semi-Gothic arches. I hate this place already. No hot girls. Fresh off the Boat asian teens, that are too obedient to not come to church, but don't really care, sit on the other side (the Groom's Side). (that's the right side, right? i always get them confused)
i actually harmonize during the songs - poorly written as they are. i text silently during the verses. then a hasty Cantonese guy gets up and starts blathering on about music - which is apparently the special topic for the day.
Music - one of my favorite arguments while I was an SDA. I pull out my notepad on my phone to attempt to write up counter points.
He pulls up the lamest power point presentation EVER. This guy MUST have done it at 2AM last night, because a baby could have done a better job.
He starts off talking about music, how he "struggled" with listening to "wrong music" and that events in the bible were effected by "wrong music".
he then starts telling how listening to bad music can affect your mental state, and shows a pic of some serial killer from our local area about 20 years ago. apparently he listened to (gasp) AC/DC. He then finishes up with a short statement about how God should be the center of our lives, and that we shoudl be living accoding to what he says.
'God' never said anything about music genres.
Really? I am so furious at this irrational brainwashing that I completely stop taking notes and am about to shoot to my feet. I am so ready to take up the theological gauntlet thrown down.
These poor kids. All they're getting is rhetoric and finger wagging. No real logic EVER pervades his talk. He then wraps it up, and the little groups break out for the age-related classes.
Thankfully my family has to catch a plane, so they don't stay long and then leave. One lady asks me when we're coming back.
"Oh, my parents live in Oregon, so it may be a while"
"Oh, but you live round the corner?"
"yes, i do."
(she has this expectant look)
I look her in the eye. "Sorry, I DON'T go to church anymore." I smile, turn on my heel, and leave.
How can these people let these things happen to these kids. Music is an art form. Music doesn't necessarily CAUSE violence. If there was a right form of music to "praise god by", and "live your life by" then we could successfully say that the "wrong music" in a worship service would be Blasphemous - what about African American churches - they have a party with their music compared to conservative white (or wannabe white - Asian- churches).
Music can move people, but it is so personal and means so many things for different people that you cannot say a form of music is WRONG. Music is an expression. As a former musician, there's nothing like playing a song that expresses how you feel.
But to finger wag at hapless kids that either don't understand or care about what you say is pointless.
I'm gonna infiltrate that church, and start a fight. lol. I swear.
And it's not about the argument as much as it was the shoddy job the speaker did. It wasn't even prepared well, it was riddled with poor logic. If English is your second language, then, i'm sorry, please make sure what you're saying actually MAKES SENSE.
Music doesn't cause psycho killers. Mary Jane does! (said a 1950's esque ad).
"GOD" doesn't care about what music you listen to - YOU should care about WHY you like your types of music. What does it say about you? And that's not wrong. It's just you.
Jeez. And the next day, I found out about our investor failing. lol.
All in all, an epic weekend.
good luck with your financial juggling, and business gambling!
BCAA's...i live by them.
lol - energy...i need some now...got my ass chewed up by a business coach. lol. he was like...why haven't you though about this?! *forehead smack*
and ya - it's all juggling...until we get paid, right?