can I tell you about last night?
where is there room on planet earth for such a party??? this kind of shindig should be legit and on the regular!!!
the girls are hot, the music is (fair to middling) and my friends are kick ass!
plus all the new friends i made
and for the second time ever, i got nauseated from drinking. lol thank god, no throwing up. that'd be embarrassing.
on a more serious note: check this out:
'there is no heaven, there is no hell. they are not geographical, they are part of your psychology. they are psychological. to live a life of spontaneity, truth, love and beauty is to live in heaven. to live a life of hypocrisy, lies and compromises, to live according to others, it to live in hell. to live in freedom is heaven, to live in bondage is hell.
you can decorate your prison cell beautifully, but that makes no difference. it is still a prison cell. And that's what people have been doing, they go on decorating their prison cell. They give it beautiful names, they go on painting it, putting new pictures on the walls, arranging the furniture in new ways, purchasing more and more things - but they live in prisons...
heaven is here - you just have to know how to live it. and hell too is here, and you know perfectly well how to live it. it is only a question of changing your perspective, your approach towards life.
the earth is beautiful. if you start living it's beauty, enjoying it's joys with no guilt in your heart, you are in paradise. if you condemn everything, every small joy, if you become a condemner, a poisoner, then the same earth turns to hell - but only for you. it depends on you where you live, it is a question of your own inner transformation. it is not a change of place, it is a change of inner space.
live joyously, guiltlessly, live totally, live intensely. and then heaven is no more a metaphysical concept - it is your own experience.
lol. read that before i went to bed.
and had kinda funky strange sex
where is there room on planet earth for such a party??? this kind of shindig should be legit and on the regular!!!
the girls are hot, the music is (fair to middling) and my friends are kick ass!
plus all the new friends i made

and for the second time ever, i got nauseated from drinking. lol thank god, no throwing up. that'd be embarrassing.
on a more serious note: check this out:
'there is no heaven, there is no hell. they are not geographical, they are part of your psychology. they are psychological. to live a life of spontaneity, truth, love and beauty is to live in heaven. to live a life of hypocrisy, lies and compromises, to live according to others, it to live in hell. to live in freedom is heaven, to live in bondage is hell.
you can decorate your prison cell beautifully, but that makes no difference. it is still a prison cell. And that's what people have been doing, they go on decorating their prison cell. They give it beautiful names, they go on painting it, putting new pictures on the walls, arranging the furniture in new ways, purchasing more and more things - but they live in prisons...
heaven is here - you just have to know how to live it. and hell too is here, and you know perfectly well how to live it. it is only a question of changing your perspective, your approach towards life.
the earth is beautiful. if you start living it's beauty, enjoying it's joys with no guilt in your heart, you are in paradise. if you condemn everything, every small joy, if you become a condemner, a poisoner, then the same earth turns to hell - but only for you. it depends on you where you live, it is a question of your own inner transformation. it is not a change of place, it is a change of inner space.
live joyously, guiltlessly, live totally, live intensely. and then heaven is no more a metaphysical concept - it is your own experience.
lol. read that before i went to bed.

your awesome glad I met you, send pics sssssssoooooon...