I am now the de-facto leader of my dance team.

I have been cast in a dance show at the Pala Casino for Dec 20.

I may be a millionaire sooner than I expected.

I am still a hippie, and almost broke.

I no longer sell weed.

Small statements of truth.
I am now the strange owner/manager/partner in a local delivery service. My life has suddenly gotten very strange.

NEVER in my life did I think I would be doing this. Yet here I am, learning about sativas, indicas, quads, qp's, and all that jazz. Product review. Customer verification.

*Shakes head*

So strange. At least it pays bills. smile


There's something beautiful about the way life works. Deep inside...we artists are always slightly heartbroken. Is it just me or is everyone else crazy? Where are my fundamentals anymore? Post-post-post-modernism isn't as fun as it once was. No I in WE except after we make other people go crazy. Thoughts keep going like a circle...and it's the mind that needs to...
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someone asked me yesterday how i would characterize myself. someone else cut in before i could answer...frown


Pipe card is very effective! weed is for small doses
oh i see smile very cool, been meaning to try one out smile been smoking out of apples lately... smile lol
Happy Daylight Savings Time....and yay for one more hour!

In celebration, and because I am not out dancing my ass off, here's a post about music.

What's Hot for Me Now:

Far East Movement - once you get over the almost overplayed tracks, the rest of the album really shows off their house/electro influence and roots. Freaking awesomeness. And only yours truly can truly issue...
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Ugh hun, MT is a hard area to get a real hold on and be successful sometimes. I have two friends doing it- both on the side as a personal business at night because they couldn't make it work full time in the day. I've been desperate before and am pretty desperate right now because of the job situation so I know how it is. I was an idiot and signed myself into a contract that say I can't make money elsewhere and I make shit for the first job. Your friend sounds adorable, no wonder subprime loans don't. I hope you get on track and find some balance. biggrin
Thanks. Yes balance, more than anything is what I'm about. No, it's okay - I just feel like I had to put my passion oh hold for this thing. But truthfully, my uncle (my boss) is a really nice person, so it's okay to work with him. smile

Its more of the principle. I am staying true to myself, but it's...just...not as "consciousness-raising" as MT can be...i mean, how am i making the world a better place? Sure, I'm helping someone save money..it's so corporate and boring. lol.

Nah, I'm glad to have it...it's just the nor cal, hippie side of me bitching smile Thanks for the love. smile
smileCasting Call: Models Wanted smile
Is anyone interested in helping me with filming a project I'm working on?

A massage instructional DVD/download

Your Role:
You'd be interviewed before and after, as well as receiving bodywork.

If you're interested, we are looking for volunteers smile If we choose to work with you, you'd get 3-4 hours of decent bodywork free.

Pay: $100 (you're getting paid AND free...
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I want to do this.
Hey! smile

Sure - give me your email so I can give you a more complete description of the project smile
okay so this is the most frustrating week of my life. nah, i'm just shitting balls. has anyone seen this?


it's sooooo weird. love it. how do you do that...

this week has been crazy. i'm about to break up with my company.

"it was all a dream" - ya except that it's about to unravel.

it started out with us wanting to import...
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wow, thanks for the vitamins tip! I'll write that down.... and I also believe in a type of "energy". all the time.

good luck with your financial juggling, and business gambling!
you're welcome - ya i just did a CHEK workout from my new trainer...killed my quads...and i had to dance the next night. UGH.

BCAA's...i live by them.

lol - energy...i need some now...got my ass chewed up by a business coach. lol. he was like...why haven't you though about this?! *forehead smack*

and ya - it's all juggling...until we get paid, right?
12:57 AM. I can't sleep.

I just got news that I am going to Korea for the next 3 months. A lot sooner than I realized. I had planned on going around mid October. But to actually hear the times - in roughly 10 days.

I feel like I don't know what's about to happen to me, and I really hope it's gonna be workable....
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so yesterday my friend came back from Korea...he's not supposed to be here. and it's costing our business like over 3 grand. wtf.

all over the damn insurance lawyers. we were in accident a while ago - boo- and supposed to get money for it - yay- but the lawyer is taking FOREVER - boo - and so we won't get our money till later...
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