Got my Social Distortion tickets today. The date has changed since I bought them, so now I'm going to the Edmonton show on April 22. It looks like we probably could have gone to Vancouver after all because they added some extra dates and now they are playing there the day after Katie's last exam. Oh well. Oh yeah, Katie is my wicked girlfriend. She...
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I'm back. Hooray.
Merry Xmas JohnnyBones
Yes, you rule and are good at logging in at opportune times.
Nothing new to say. First update in a month. I live without internet these days. Woe is me.
everyone is sad when KikiBH has no internet.
hey wait, you aren't KikiBH (he realized some 22 days later...)
Well, wrote my last final this morning. I'd shout that school's out, but you know, I am working on my thesis all summer so it's not really. It's still nice to be done coursework for the semester. I should be heading back home for the summer later this week. I can't wait to see my family and my friends. I love them all so much...
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hmmm, now my profile pic is saying "I would like some pepsi".
Damn subliminal advertising.
Damn subliminal advertising.
It's been a while since I've updated this thing. Thanks for the birthday wishes, you're all sweethearts. I've had a good week. Dates with three different pretty ladies. Good times. Amazing for a social recluse like me. I feel proud. Too bad I'm leaving this shitty city for ths summer.
Get the women and run, eh?

the women of prince george will be reduced to tearing and rending of garments, no doubt.
Marked 34 papers today. Mind is numb. Tomorrow is St. Patrick's Day. Fuck yeah!
happy birthday.
happy birthday johnnybones.
I got my grade back for the lit review. B+. Good enough. Also got my grade for the class. A-. Also good enough. I am glad that it is over. Now I can focus on my other work for the rest of the month and get back to my thesis when this semester is over.
B+ pretty much describes my student career.
Sent my lit review in to my supervisor not too long ago. My brain literally feels like it's going to explode. I swear I can feel it pulsing against my skull.
Update: Initial draft of literature review completed. 32 pages in length. I'm not entirely happy with how it has turned out. Revisions underway.
Lit review progress report: 19 pages down, 10-15 more to go. Due Sunday night. Seems pretty doable.
then let me be the first to thank your for wishing me a happy birthdat. Or something.
I will refrain from saying anything else, lest you become so engrossed in my clever wordplay you forget all about your project for Monday.
I will refrain from saying anything else, lest you become so engrossed in my clever wordplay you forget all about your project for Monday.

This morning I presented my initial thesis proposal to my supervisor and a fellow grad student. My supervisor suggested a few minor revisions, but gave me the green light to take the next step and start planning my thesis proposal defence for my committee. A relatively small accopmlishment, but it felt pretty good.
I felt really sorry for the other student though as he was...
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I felt really sorry for the other student though as he was...
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i bet that's how evil scientists start out.
Canada lost. Not a big surprise given their play in the round robin. I'm not a Bertuzzi hater, (although he's a fucking slug this year) but Ovechkin's goal was on the power play resulting from a bad penalty he took. Maybe all of those Bertuzzi nay-sayers were onto something. You can hardly fault him for their loss though. I'm going to go way out on...
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just saying hola to a fellow political scientist. how's that treating you? 

i think what is scary for most people about writing a long piece is finding that one, *clear* question that can sustain itself over a thesis or dissertation or book right? so, a question that is interesting, relevant, do-able, and will actually turn up results - that's the sweet spot.