went to a party tonight, which was shite. i was shouting and laughing so much i think i damaged my piercing and it started to bleed (which i didnt notice at first) and this sticky blood started to pack up behind the stud and begin pushing it out, which in turn started to pull on the inside of my lip. bit irritating so i stopped talking for a bit and it calmed down. came home and cleamed it and its fine now, infact it feels alot better even better than before it sgtarted to bleed. this is boring i know but im on a rant.
another thing is im using mouthwash to try to keep my mouth clean to stop the piercing getting infected and ive been using it alot like 6 or 7 times a day like everytime i eat i brush and wash with mouth wash and then i mouthwash every now and again anyway. i was using just normal stuff but read its better to get medical grade stuff so i did and used it tonight. this stuff is just watered down bleach cus its numbed my mouth totally i cant taste a thing my tongue is well numb which means im talking like a right tard. i cant keep on mouthwashing so much cus its burning my mouth away, im bacteria free and christ i have minty fresh breath but i cant taste a freaking thing.
this is my gripe. i have nothing more to say.
another thing is im using mouthwash to try to keep my mouth clean to stop the piercing getting infected and ive been using it alot like 6 or 7 times a day like everytime i eat i brush and wash with mouth wash and then i mouthwash every now and again anyway. i was using just normal stuff but read its better to get medical grade stuff so i did and used it tonight. this stuff is just watered down bleach cus its numbed my mouth totally i cant taste a thing my tongue is well numb which means im talking like a right tard. i cant keep on mouthwashing so much cus its burning my mouth away, im bacteria free and christ i have minty fresh breath but i cant taste a freaking thing.
this is my gripe. i have nothing more to say.
Yeah i get well edgey if someone's there and i didn't realise, but see i'm a jumping girl
Maybe your sisters oogie cooking would'nt be such a good idea then, heh
Salt water does seem like the best option if your peircing is still being stoopy... have a swish of salty goodness in your mouth

Hee hee, make sure to send me pictures of your face rotting, it sounds like fun! And you should ween yourself off cleaning it just incase your lip falls off. lip falling off = baaaad... usually. I hate you for having fun lectures on comic books, i waaannnnaaaaa