- on jonne's page
mon mort would be (sorry i fucking forget how to say would be in french) bienvenue
ahh lawdy lawdy....
the ex got me a geauga lake pass for my birthday (an amusement park up here in northeastern ohio)....and we spent like the whole day together and i admit the fun was happening.
after such, we went back to her house and rented like 8 movies from the library...we watched one of them (the wiz w/ michael jackson) and couldnt really understand...
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the ex got me a geauga lake pass for my birthday (an amusement park up here in northeastern ohio)....and we spent like the whole day together and i admit the fun was happening.
after such, we went back to her house and rented like 8 movies from the library...we watched one of them (the wiz w/ michael jackson) and couldnt really understand...
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Just say no...
it's not working is it?
go jerk off
it's not working is it?
go jerk off

yea so i'm at my ex g/f's house again....i was going to sleep on the couch, but she went up to bed and now i think i'm going to just leave....whatever...she had this stupid victoria secret bag and was like "wanna know what is in here"....and i said, "no cause i'm not going to see you in it".. she said that oh i might catch...
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Man this broad is playing some mind games on you.
Hope it all works out hon.
Hope it all works out hon.
I want to slap you unside the head so bad!
i feel like death the fucking bouncer wouldnt' allow me to enter the club b/c i had tennis shoes on even though i went to the same club on wed dressed in the same clothes and i was let in just fine.
my friend is moving to hollywood to pursue acting school how come everyone else moves but me my god and i want to...
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my friend is moving to hollywood to pursue acting school how come everyone else moves but me my god and i want to...
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lol i'd like to thank big A for the just say no (american psycho/anti drug campaign) message in my last entry...it was hotshit..
so i hung out w/ her. but nothing happened....i guess that's ok. at least it wasnt one of those immature type of hang outs that ends up with a fusillade of either kisses or angry words....i left her house and then she...
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so i hung out w/ her. but nothing happened....i guess that's ok. at least it wasnt one of those immature type of hang outs that ends up with a fusillade of either kisses or angry words....i left her house and then she...
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Wow I feel like I have greatness.
Yet my message didn't getthough.
but nothing bad happend so it's all good.
Yet my message didn't getthough.
but nothing bad happend so it's all good.
I want to be hot. *eats his tofu rice and drinks his water*
yea so not much is happening today...i'm 22 and i work from 3-8....not a bad shift i guess......my ex wants to hang out on thursday and she's not telling me where we're going....this is strange b/c she really hasn't talked to me much since we broke up (i with her) about a month ago, and now she has this big surprise for me. she had...
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just say no.
aww geez you guys are great....thank you for the birthday wishes!!!!
oh yea i got on tv last night!!!
for my friend john's bday i bought him wrestling tix...i was on raw behind this guy named joe schmoe when they interviewed him....had to flash my dove tat of course...oh shit its funny...
if anyone wants to go to some clubs and chill in cleveland, lemme...
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oh yea i got on tv last night!!!
for my friend john's bday i bought him wrestling tix...i was on raw behind this guy named joe schmoe when they interviewed him....had to flash my dove tat of course...oh shit its funny...
if anyone wants to go to some clubs and chill in cleveland, lemme...
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mmmm tv
heheh thanx or something
cuz i really didnt understand all that
but happy fucking birthday
cuz i really didnt understand all that
but happy fucking birthday

this is a partial re-post since i did two entries in one day.......the show went ok...my band is called falling for jonnE.....a name i hope to change...i was leaning towards something like "the tuesday night love" or something anthropomorphic liked that....we've only played one show....hopefully it shall get better....our style is emo/punk, but i hope to get some electronic influences in there somewhere.
ok now...
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ok now...
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happy birthday

Happy birthday!! 

oh man i thought of a really good emo song concept...crying while masturbating in the shower about an ex g/f.....this situation is the complete juxtaposition of pain and pleasure an ex love has caused.
Ha-ha! That's a good one and just might be the one emo song I'd listen to.

oh my my
the show went ok...my band is called falling for jonnE.....a name i hope to change...i was leaning towards something like "the tuesday night love" or something anthropomorphic liked that....we've only played one show....hopefully it shall get better....our style is emo/punk, but i hope to get some electronic influences in there somewhere.
hotshit and starting splendor,
hotshit and starting splendor,
alrighty...so i didnt have anything to do after playing our friggin show...so i went to bp and chatted with the attendent from 1 till 4..we had some insightful/enlightening dialouge and i went home....it kind of made me wish chagrin had more stuff to do...like a dunkin donuts or something...oh well....education beats boredom
wait you play? like you are in a band?
so how'd the show go? what band are you in?
i have no friends. ha. ha.