I've been single for almost a year now and I have some ups and downs.
First is the Pros!
1 I do love the freedom to do what I want, like go to the bar, stay in and relax or take a few extra shifts at work and not have to worry about someone who doesn't want to/wants to do something else.
2 I aslo can have sex/hook up with girls (not saying I'm a man ho but just have some monogamous fun)
And the Cons.
1 I do miss having someone to go out on a nice date with, yeah I can go on a date with a girl but when you have a relationship you're just having a nice romantic night and not worrying about first date/first impressions.
2 I would like to go see a movie without being the 3rd wheel. I wanna share popcorn and hold each other during the movie and talk about it when it's over.
3 Most of all.... I miss cuddling (I know, not very manly) but I miss laying down with your significant other and holding each other. I miss having sex and truly holding someone and being happy to be with the person your with.
Just wanted to vent a bit