I have to give myself more time to truely understand how i want to express my sadness about the Live SG show in chicago last night. I loved seeing a few of the girls up close, meeting some member friends in person, and having the opportunity to go to another event with friends and my girlfriend. However, i found myself victim to verbal hate crimes...
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i love you!
wow.....you werent kidding....hope all is well....cuz the snow is gone...
alright its fucked up that SG is coupling with Playboy. I signed up to this site originally for 2 reasons 1. the girls on this site embraced the fact that they werent the stereo-typical beauty and that thats primarily what made them beautiful. they stayed clear of "trendy" ideas of sexuality and gender in fact i was lead to believe that they liked to think...
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happy valentines day pretty lady.....
bests to you
I agree with The Captain.... Preach on Sister Girl!!!! tongue
WHaatata appologies for abondonging all of my favorite little suicidal children wink My new major is kickin me in the ass but god knows i love a little smack onn the ass..or two. oo.

sooo good that the gossip and the yeahyeahyeah's are coming to town soon..uhm i met ani difranco a few weeks ago after a 3 hour wait during which i almost lost 3...
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you're soooo hot love
wow....switching majors is a big thing so its good your happy with the change. hope it all works out for you and that you dont drown under the load.
bests to you
sexy ass hives ooo aaa
ahhhhrite lets see.

im the parapsychology queen: i went to a parapsy. learning session and im happy to say i could connect with others enough to know what objects they were thinking of..numbers etc. could sense the drawings inside of big manilla envelopes, and brown bags. veeerrry cool.

O. my ora or aura? was bluish green and kinda uneven. wonder what that means. hmm. i...
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and yes, i know you got there first. hope you have fun. i love chicago in the summer.

don't take it too seriously...

hope Chi-town is not as cold as DC is right now. damn cold. smile
alllright tattoo finally today! *in my pics*
its my moms maiden name (its obvious). I decided on the hearts at the last minute because i wanted to set her signature apart from the rest of my neck. I was thinking about stars but it made more sense to get the hearts.

My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer a year ago and is just finnishing...
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hey baby. i tried calling you and leaving a message but your answering machine wasn't working. i got in from the anthro thing, zack's picking up aldon, and then i'm going to Bermuda Triangle with Lauren G. and Stephanie.

I figure I'll be home around 1 or 1:30 or so....it's about 10:40 now....I'll call you on your cellphone when I get in.

I love you soooooooo much. I can't wait to hear your lovely voice...


the luckiest little ooo aaa in the world
I think your neck tattoo is fabulous. It's awesome that you did that for your mom.
new tattoo tomorrow THANK..the tattoo goddesses confused
hmm im recently thinking about a munroe. whadda you think?
p.s. im officially addicted to this site. thanks to all who make this possible. kiss
promise to add more to my journal wed
"smacked burnt red on top" whoa EL SUICIDO LOCO
I'm sure you'll look gorgeous with a munroe since you're gorgeous anyway. But if it means you're going to have to let your mouth heal for a few weeks.......I vote no!! kiss
tattoo today. ill post pics later.

Ok. i am unhappy. very unhappy. every time i try to get a tattoo something goes wrong. so im on the highway going to the tattoo place..i decide to call to tell the guys that im coming down..they tell me that today is the one day a month that they have to leave early to go to a...
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haha....Yeah...for the record, Aeon, you're not allowed to be one of her vices!!

Wait...Aeon probably won't read this. For the record, Em, Aeon is not allowed to be one of your vices!! mad

or that'll be me. And I'm scrappy.

a scrappy monkey.

ooo aaa

so watch out.
break is going well. I actually just got home today... I was on a service trip out to arizona and really enjoyed that-- but am now also enjoying being able to do absolutely nothing at all.

I'm actually going to be out in Co for the week around new years... but I'm not sure if it's anywhere near aspen. My distant family rented this house somewhere like an hour outside of denver?-- I've never been skiing before, so this will be interesting. If you hear about some girl breaking every last bone in her body before she got on the ski-lift, than that would most likely be me. wink

Next quarter, I'm assistant directing flyin' west. Two shows a year is enough fer me. Dracula was fun to work on tho. You did an awesome job in that, btw. It looked like you were having a good time, yes?

I too am kind of in the leaving tts mode- cept, I am not changing my major- i'm just basically done w/ my tts classes as a gts major so I can take whatever the fuck I want. I'm excited about that.

I kno i want theatre to be my career (I want to direct???), but I just feel like I need to learn so much more shit outside of theatre before I could ever be a decent director. Anyway-

checking sg 4 times a day isn't bad. When I first signed up for the site a gadzillion years ago, I was on here pretty much 24/7. It was sad. Then I sent a set in, got rejected, but got a free membership for a year. That was sweet, but not good for my gpa. lol.

so what do you think you want to do now if theatre isn't the top career option for you?

Alrighty... I think this "comment" has been long enough. confused

ooo aaa
my gf is an ass.
i love her.
and yes..shes the hottest thing..uhm really ever. yeah. mhmm.

Sorry about that. I thought that I had posted. Didn't mean to be presumptuous.
Ohh what a night. Why do i constantly feel like im trying to update my exterior (general appearance) to match my interior (emotions, thoughts)? I've always described myself as transitory and now I'm starting to wonder if the core truly exists. I'm constantly playing a role (as i know we all are in some way or another) but i feel as if im always playing...
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possibility of my first tattoo today! its technically tuesday and i finally came up with the font of my mothers maiden name for the back of my neck~ my mothers signature (of coouurrse) . im going to see if she'll want to come with me today if not then ill wait until i go back to Chi. if i do decide to mark up my...
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hi jones smile i'm so happy being considered your friend
hey baby...i came online to see if you were here (and to see if the TA answered my question about Weber's politics), but of course I had to make my brief stop at SG. You must be watching a movie and bitching to yourself about the evils of hip hop. I love you...

back to work!