i spent 2 hours in a bookstore the size of my freshman dorm room looking for a photography book on Marlene Dietrich. The Book Man said they had two copies. Up the smallish stairs to the right. It also might be on display.

2 hours later, one copy of The Turn of the Screw and the latest Mother Jones in my right hand, my left...
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Needing a book can be a damaging afflicition.
wow, you update less than I do. Whats going on?
im entering a writing sample for a screenwriting class this summer in Aspen and, well its supposed to be 10 pages. I havent written 10 pages in over half of a year, maybe longer. oh and i have only until April 1st. What the hell am i going to write about? I have more material now than ive had in a long time, but absolutely...
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im supposed to be doing something today. march 13th. Certain dates stick in your head as kinds of strings around your fingers "today im supposed to get that check in the mail..today i told myself id take that pill for another year of my life..etc etc". now that im a year behind on my mental notes, every day starts to feel this way.

monday 9p.m....
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ok ive finished obsessing over my new tattoo and have come to a decision. What: a page from my favorite book when i was little "Goodnight Moon". Where: wrapped around the bottom of my left leg Sock like. It should take up about half of my lower leg (calf/ankle). at first i thought it would look a little too precious, but upon further research ive...
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my mother always said i was a monkey, so i guess youd better do your job and pucker up! kiss
im back with an effing vengance. vengance looks eeriely like vegance..which is a word i made up just now. it means something done with veganism in mind. not bad at all.

updates to come.

ooo aaa
awe yeah...jones is back...hope all has been well for you..
I just saw cousin Katie this weekend and she told me that you had quit being on this site because it was the first thing that came up when you googled your name. My reaction was, of course, one of surprise.
"Hmmm, I'm pretty sure I saw her on there no too long ago."
"Well, she quit the site pretty recently."
"Huh, oh well."

Hope I didn't come close to blowing a secret. I had a nice time talking with Katie, though.
ohh damn i have too much work to do and its SUMMER. i hate being over the hill. ive found that as i age, i grow..in the ass and belly mostly. being 21 is a real feat and i wish that more people would give me credit for making it this far.

also. debrajean has purple nipples. no one else can look hot and beautiful...
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21 is a feat. but 25 is even more featier.
21 is a feat. My best friend didn't make it that far.
i am a hor..se. ive bought too many clothes the past few days. the only way i justify this..is that i only really had 4 tops and 2 pairs of pants that i wore on a regular basis. these new clothes were not tres (which is pronounced "tray", sarah..mwahaha) expensive im happy to say and i might be..again..getting a long board!!! im so very happy...
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there's no such thing as too many clothes.....unless you live in manhattan and have a teeny tiny apartment and have bins in your window seal filled w/ clothing and no where to put them me
I called Steve all worried a few days ago because I read online that some men had robbed a busload of kids in El Salvador. The kids were all with the Seeds of Learning non-profit organization. Steve then reminded me that Katie was in Equador.

Riiiiiiiiight, right.
alright so im a big time slacker.
im in colorado. i missed my parents and all things colorado much..especially the way the air smells. sage and run off.
no peace with daddy type A.
id like to have more time to drive up to the grottos with a book *that i forgot to bring and also forgot to buy bell hooks because..again i have no...
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Good to see we're all on the same page here.
I did go to Nell's, but there was about no one there I wanted to hang with, so I bolted. I was hoping you guys would show up but I figured you would not. I got the feeling that Katie and, uh, the other girl wanted to leave. I'm not sorry you didn't have a great time, because neither did I and misery luuuuvs company.

Although misery is too strong a word. Just "not that much funnery."
La noche ira sin prisa de nostalgia
Habra de ser un tango nuestra herida
Un acordeon sangriento nuestras almas
Seremos esta noche todo el dia

Vuelve a mi
Amame sin luz
En nuestra alcoba azul
Donde no hubo sol para nosotros

Mata mi coraon
En nuestra alcoba azul
Mi Amor
busted by so many.
im back as ive never truly left bacause come now..debrajean cant be ignored wink
Ive been here a few times since i left..for all of a few seconds..but i confess now that my strike is over. I did fairly well though, id say. Almost 2 1/2 months?
Well. i miss my friends (and debrajean) dearly wink so im back and im bettah...
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Heeeeyyyyy baby!!! Whats up? Long time no? I've updated my journal so there should be something there for you to read. How have ya been? Welcome back to the fold kiss
Glad you are back!