People who insist that everything that comes out of my mouth is wrong and they have to know everything really make me upset. I'm always wrong, wrong, wrong.

Being so great must suck.
i used to be wrong...turns out i was just with the wrong people
Is there anyone on vox.com? And if so how much do you like it?
Sorry, don't know anything about vox,but Happy Birthday... i hope thursday is a great day for you! smile
What's going on with you, SG.com?

I have to admit that the new girl weekend promo was a pretty cool deal.

But why are they only putting up two sets a day instead of three? I'm really not baggin' on it, I'm just a little confused. I tried to find any info on it, and unless I'm dumb, I've found none.

Hmm. Oh well. Lovely...
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I am super duper home sick. This is the worst it's hit me in awhile.


School starts in a week. Ew.
Tell me about it, fucking dreading it. Nice choice of movies by the way, Boondock Saints is one of my all time favorites. It taught me my most important life lesson, "don't cross the road if you can't get out of the kitchen."
How'd you like Fetish Prom? Interesting crowd, most of em hang out at Tranzylvania in Phoenix on the weekends as well. Few of my friends and I will be going to fetish ball(big one) in october.

Most people think its weird, but i think its just the name... *shrug*
So we got our Playstation on Monday. I am addicted to Crash Bandicoot like I'm 14 all over again.
that a way - i was a dreamcast boy myself
I was wondering, if anyone has, or know someone who has, and is willing to sell a copy of Final Fantasy 7 for the original Playstation. I know the game is really hard to find, and Josh has been trying to buy it for the past week and nearly every time he's been outbid by a dollar. So if you do, let me know. smile
thanks for your post on blog..
i got a new set
i think it will be good.
dont have F.F .7; i play to micromachines
love i like doing it in 8 eheh

Check it.

I was considering opening a Prints account, souly for the fact that if people want to order them, I should let them (though I'm not gonna lie, extra money would be amazing right now). Not that anyone really reads my SG blog, but if you're interested in buying a print of any of the deviations in the gallery, message or comment me...
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The new site is friggin' awesome! I love it, it's gorgeous. When I first logged on I was like "woah, woah, woah, what's going onnn?" But it's cute. Way to go, SG.

I got my hair cut today, finally. But, the moron at the salon cut my hair two inches shorter than what I asked. I asked to have the sides below my jaw line,...
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