Major news... yesterday talking to a friend of mine, I decided to go with him on a trip to Europe. His girlfriend was going to go but she moved to Hawaii and cannot. I'm so excited, this should be an awesome trip. Here's how it's going down:
Arrive in England - 2 days (how many days we're staying)
Leave for France (Paris)- 3 days
Leave for Spain (Madrid)- 2 days
Leave for Italy (Rome)- 7 days
Leave for Germany (Berlin --> Munich)- 5 days
Leave for Russia (I have no clue)- 4 days
Then back-track to England. I have to get a new passport so that's one of the first things I'll do today. This is going to be very cool. A month of just traveling... me can't wait.
I'm already rocking out with my cock out.
Over & Out.
Major news... yesterday talking to a friend of mine, I decided to go with him on a trip to Europe. His girlfriend was going to go but she moved to Hawaii and cannot. I'm so excited, this should be an awesome trip. Here's how it's going down:
Arrive in England - 2 days (how many days we're staying)
Leave for France (Paris)- 3 days
Leave for Spain (Madrid)- 2 days
Leave for Italy (Rome)- 7 days
Leave for Germany (Berlin --> Munich)- 5 days
Leave for Russia (I have no clue)- 4 days
Then back-track to England. I have to get a new passport so that's one of the first things I'll do today. This is going to be very cool. A month of just traveling... me can't wait.

I'm already rocking out with my cock out.
Over & Out.
You're un american.

Okay. you're uncanadian.