Last night... phenominal. Deb (girlfriend) and I had an amazing time last night, best person I've ever known. 
Pretty funny how we got together. We've been friends for going on 4 years now and there was always a little thing between us. Nothing physical, jus what we said to each other. I've always joked to her saying I'm going to take her away and just calling her sweet little names. So last week I ran into her and she told me she and her boyfriend broke up... so after talking, one thing lead to another and now I can call her mine!
Went to a few clubs, shook our asses, I slipped and fell on what I think was water. Lol it's an awkward feeling when people stare at you like that
Tonight we're going to her friends apartment for a small "party", probably go somewhere else later, who knows.
I planned on going to Long Island this weekend to see my brothers gf who was in a very bad accident (concussion, and the whole nine). But she's very tired, hurting, so we're going to go another time. She's very lucky to even be alive. A Jaguar going 90mph ran into her while at a stop light.
Fucker, I hope he dies.
Ok, I'm being pulled away (literally) and being asked what this web site is!!!1 Maybe she'll join.

Pretty funny how we got together. We've been friends for going on 4 years now and there was always a little thing between us. Nothing physical, jus what we said to each other. I've always joked to her saying I'm going to take her away and just calling her sweet little names. So last week I ran into her and she told me she and her boyfriend broke up... so after talking, one thing lead to another and now I can call her mine!

Went to a few clubs, shook our asses, I slipped and fell on what I think was water. Lol it's an awkward feeling when people stare at you like that

I planned on going to Long Island this weekend to see my brothers gf who was in a very bad accident (concussion, and the whole nine). But she's very tired, hurting, so we're going to go another time. She's very lucky to even be alive. A Jaguar going 90mph ran into her while at a stop light.

Ok, I'm being pulled away (literally) and being asked what this web site is!!!1 Maybe she'll join.

well I'm at page 113 right now. 

hey there little tiger.