Just a quick update to let everyone know I'm still alive. I'm still working on art stuffs and hope to be able to post that very soon.... I will have a big post this week with at least one pic. I *promise*.
Sorry it's been a while. I'm working on getting some web sites written so that I can actually make some money off of this internet thing. Hopefully that will happen soon.
I may post some pics in the next few days. Anyone wanna see?
Howzit going!?! Wow what a month. Tons of stuff going on and nothing to write about. Holidays are coming up, meaning I get presents!!!! What is everyone else asking for?
Haven't updated in a few days. Figured I'd say hi. Not much to talk about. Playing all the new junk that's come out recently. Been tooling around in Photoshop a lot. I think I might be ready to take on some professional photo editing. That's what I've wanted to do for a large portion of my life, and thanks to the intarw3b, I can.
Ug. I hate travel, but I love the internet. Thankfully my hotel room has a wireless connection, so I can get my fill of nakidnezz.
Wow, it's been a short couple of weeks. The new Harry Potter book comes out VERY soon, and I can't wait. Truthfully though, I'm getting a bit worried that she's going to kill off one of my favorite characters....