This mega-rant is entitled, "Life in the Castrated Cargo Cult, or, How I Learned to Relax and Love the Lies."
(Before I begin, I see I have found a way to keep people from commenting - write a really long blog!)
What is behind that clever turn of phrase is an understanding I have reached about how the world actually works (or rather, doesn't work). As a child, which is how I started this life, I believed what people told me. As I grew older, I found that there were people who would lie about things, for various reasons. I learned that adults lied about sex, telling me it was bad, evil, nasty, and (snicker, snicker), too much fun to ignore. I learned that they became far more concerned if I kissed or "played doctor" with a little girl (I was a child, remember), than if I beat up, or was beaten up by, some other little boy. I found this irrational to the point of insanity. One was warm and friendly, the other was hostile and painful. Too stupid for words........unless violence is the ultimate aim.......
I also learned that religion was totally irrational with constantly changing rules - basically nonsense designed to brainwash and control those who couldn't or wouldn't bother to think about life and its meaning. What was done to people in the name of religion is the most hideous, brutal, and inhuman stuff people can think up. And they think sex is evil? Way insane.
My last idol with feet of clay was science. The sincere, hardworking boffins in their starched lab coats quietly saving the world and making life better for everyone. Right. And the Nazis were really good friends to the Jews. Nope, they turned out to be just another motley group of turncoats out for their own agendas, almost none of which involved the best interests of the human race. Full goose bozo, as Robin Williams says.
So I started off down the paisley brick road, digging into as much of the reality of things as I could, given the resources I had. The result after more than 40 years is pretty dramatic. Firesign Theater did a piece called "Everything You Know is Wrong," spoofing alternative researchers, but the title is far closer to the truth than most people will want to accept.
If any of you have seen "Sneakers," the Dan Akroyd character called "Mother" is constantly filling in bits of hidden history with "conspiracy theories." That is how I have come to feel. Name just about anything you've learned in public school, and I can just about guarantee it's wrong, or at least wildly distorted.
Some stuff is easy, like Tesla inventing radio way before Marconi infringed on his patents. Einstein plagiarizing the Theory of Relativity, Pasteur falsifying his data, and so on. Far more lies than you would think they could get away with.
World War 2? Started and (both sides) financed by Wall Street. Atom bomb? Nazis beat us to it and were about two weeks away from raining them down on New York when we overran their secret research area. UFOs? Some are Nazi, some are alien, and some are from various military-industrial black research corporations. AIDS? Phony research to cover up some sort of biowarfare goof, intended to "delete" gays and other "undesirables," while increasing sexual fear. Global warming? Psychological warfare designed to marginalize and harness the environmental movement for the goals of global fascist domination (creating a new "science-based" religion along with an economic system outside the rule of law).
It goes on and on, and the trails lead, interestingly enough, back to the same doors time and time again. Now I have entered the realm of "paranoid conspiracy theory nuts" and "deniers." Well, if that is where rational thought has gone, then, yeah, I'm there. Quite happily, actually. The world has always danced to the tune of crooks, liars, and murders, and it is no different today.
So, where does that leave us? Like Neo, we are facing the red pill and the blue one. We can face the truth or continued our drugged puppethood. The choice is not an easy one, and more than once I wished I had never started down the rabbit hole toward truth. It is hard to know that millions are being butchered every year for foul and insidious reasons, and have no way to intervene. To know that the world is being led and controlled by people whose moral standards make Pol Pot look like Mother Theresa.
I watched how media portrayals of such things as torture have changed public opinion over the last three decades. (TV "heroes" came to rely more and more on torturing "bad guys" to save the day, conditioning people to adopt that kind of thinking subconsciously. Media still touts such ideas despite the fact that torture is never a good way to get information - it only serves to punish your enemies and create terror.)
I've watch the media lies about "swine flu" and "global warming" and see clearly how people are being manipulated, like whole generations of Manchurian Candidates. Meme warfare is in full swing, and they don't see the smoking guns, even when they point right at their heads. I see the direction society is being herded, make predictions years in advance that come true, and still people just don't get it.
Or take the changing face of "terrorism" over the last 50 years. It has gone from "freedom fighters" trying to liberate themselves from oppressive conditions by attacking military and political targets to "terrorists" attacking common people to try and "pressure" governments to change policies. Stop and think about this - what government in history has ever put the well being of its people ahead of its own survival and well being? None, right? EVER! So who in their right mind would take this path? Only someone whose interests are fed by creating fear and panic in the people. That's right, usually their own government. The Taliban aren't on our shit list for "sheltering" Bin Laden (a major CIA asset, btw), they are on the shit list for burning 3.8 billion dollars of opium crops instead of playing the game. Lies, lies, lies. And the lies are different at every level.
I have learned that Crowley was right - you can shout the truth from the rooftop and no one will hear you. But maybe that is the whole point - maybe it is all just a big game to see who will wake up and taste the chicken. Maybe it is not about convincing anyone else, but about finding my own path through the carnage to look into the book of mirrors on the sacred island. Maybe the rivers of blood are really rivers of ketchup for the fries of life....sort of Soylent Red.........
So, the only thing left to do is let go of attachments, love the lies and be as a ghost in the forest. It isn't real, anyway. It is only an insane dream.
Good night and good luck, sweet critters. Party in the 5th bardo tonight.......
(Before I begin, I see I have found a way to keep people from commenting - write a really long blog!)
What is behind that clever turn of phrase is an understanding I have reached about how the world actually works (or rather, doesn't work). As a child, which is how I started this life, I believed what people told me. As I grew older, I found that there were people who would lie about things, for various reasons. I learned that adults lied about sex, telling me it was bad, evil, nasty, and (snicker, snicker), too much fun to ignore. I learned that they became far more concerned if I kissed or "played doctor" with a little girl (I was a child, remember), than if I beat up, or was beaten up by, some other little boy. I found this irrational to the point of insanity. One was warm and friendly, the other was hostile and painful. Too stupid for words........unless violence is the ultimate aim.......
I also learned that religion was totally irrational with constantly changing rules - basically nonsense designed to brainwash and control those who couldn't or wouldn't bother to think about life and its meaning. What was done to people in the name of religion is the most hideous, brutal, and inhuman stuff people can think up. And they think sex is evil? Way insane.
My last idol with feet of clay was science. The sincere, hardworking boffins in their starched lab coats quietly saving the world and making life better for everyone. Right. And the Nazis were really good friends to the Jews. Nope, they turned out to be just another motley group of turncoats out for their own agendas, almost none of which involved the best interests of the human race. Full goose bozo, as Robin Williams says.
So I started off down the paisley brick road, digging into as much of the reality of things as I could, given the resources I had. The result after more than 40 years is pretty dramatic. Firesign Theater did a piece called "Everything You Know is Wrong," spoofing alternative researchers, but the title is far closer to the truth than most people will want to accept.
If any of you have seen "Sneakers," the Dan Akroyd character called "Mother" is constantly filling in bits of hidden history with "conspiracy theories." That is how I have come to feel. Name just about anything you've learned in public school, and I can just about guarantee it's wrong, or at least wildly distorted.
Some stuff is easy, like Tesla inventing radio way before Marconi infringed on his patents. Einstein plagiarizing the Theory of Relativity, Pasteur falsifying his data, and so on. Far more lies than you would think they could get away with.
World War 2? Started and (both sides) financed by Wall Street. Atom bomb? Nazis beat us to it and were about two weeks away from raining them down on New York when we overran their secret research area. UFOs? Some are Nazi, some are alien, and some are from various military-industrial black research corporations. AIDS? Phony research to cover up some sort of biowarfare goof, intended to "delete" gays and other "undesirables," while increasing sexual fear. Global warming? Psychological warfare designed to marginalize and harness the environmental movement for the goals of global fascist domination (creating a new "science-based" religion along with an economic system outside the rule of law).
It goes on and on, and the trails lead, interestingly enough, back to the same doors time and time again. Now I have entered the realm of "paranoid conspiracy theory nuts" and "deniers." Well, if that is where rational thought has gone, then, yeah, I'm there. Quite happily, actually. The world has always danced to the tune of crooks, liars, and murders, and it is no different today.
So, where does that leave us? Like Neo, we are facing the red pill and the blue one. We can face the truth or continued our drugged puppethood. The choice is not an easy one, and more than once I wished I had never started down the rabbit hole toward truth. It is hard to know that millions are being butchered every year for foul and insidious reasons, and have no way to intervene. To know that the world is being led and controlled by people whose moral standards make Pol Pot look like Mother Theresa.
I watched how media portrayals of such things as torture have changed public opinion over the last three decades. (TV "heroes" came to rely more and more on torturing "bad guys" to save the day, conditioning people to adopt that kind of thinking subconsciously. Media still touts such ideas despite the fact that torture is never a good way to get information - it only serves to punish your enemies and create terror.)
I've watch the media lies about "swine flu" and "global warming" and see clearly how people are being manipulated, like whole generations of Manchurian Candidates. Meme warfare is in full swing, and they don't see the smoking guns, even when they point right at their heads. I see the direction society is being herded, make predictions years in advance that come true, and still people just don't get it.
Or take the changing face of "terrorism" over the last 50 years. It has gone from "freedom fighters" trying to liberate themselves from oppressive conditions by attacking military and political targets to "terrorists" attacking common people to try and "pressure" governments to change policies. Stop and think about this - what government in history has ever put the well being of its people ahead of its own survival and well being? None, right? EVER! So who in their right mind would take this path? Only someone whose interests are fed by creating fear and panic in the people. That's right, usually their own government. The Taliban aren't on our shit list for "sheltering" Bin Laden (a major CIA asset, btw), they are on the shit list for burning 3.8 billion dollars of opium crops instead of playing the game. Lies, lies, lies. And the lies are different at every level.
I have learned that Crowley was right - you can shout the truth from the rooftop and no one will hear you. But maybe that is the whole point - maybe it is all just a big game to see who will wake up and taste the chicken. Maybe it is not about convincing anyone else, but about finding my own path through the carnage to look into the book of mirrors on the sacred island. Maybe the rivers of blood are really rivers of ketchup for the fries of life....sort of Soylent Red.........
So, the only thing left to do is let go of attachments, love the lies and be as a ghost in the forest. It isn't real, anyway. It is only an insane dream.
Good night and good luck, sweet critters. Party in the 5th bardo tonight.......
Ok have a great week!! Halloween is coming and its going to be a great week. Not sure who I will be this weekend, the good witch or the bad.
No matter, their both me
Love and cupcakes...