Sunday evening rolls around again, as it is wont to do. Too many episodes of SG-1 this weekend - I feel like it is time to dial up my home planet and leave.
Very spacey (not Kevin) weekend, not a lot got done except rest. Oh, that's right, that's what vacations are for!
I feel quite fortunate to have found SG. Lots here to give one hope for the planet. Also way too easy to spend a lot of time here as well. It's all good.
Love and Light to all you wonderful critters (you know who you are).
Very spacey (not Kevin) weekend, not a lot got done except rest. Oh, that's right, that's what vacations are for!
I feel quite fortunate to have found SG. Lots here to give one hope for the planet. Also way too easy to spend a lot of time here as well. It's all good.
Love and Light to all you wonderful critters (you know who you are).
I have no idea??? It doesnt say......I guess just look tomorrow! 

glad to see you back. I'll be picking at your brain in the future, hope you don;t mind. you seem very knowledgeable on the subject.