Setting, composition, wardrobe, accessories...the details make all the difference in your images! Creating images is about telling stories, creating feelings, giving a message and providing inspiration. These thing are accomplished by paying attention to all of the small things that add up to telling a powerful story. Here I use a modern, clean setting and add a loud, flamboyant hat to give a very classy...
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The incomparable @lust. Still one of the coolest pictures I've taken, now with a b/w edit.
New models often ask me, "o.k. so what do I do with my hands?" It's a great question as awkwardly placed hands can be distracting in an image. I can show you where to put your hands, but the secret is not to pose your hands, but keep your hands moving. This produces the most natural looking hand positions for your image. Enjoy!
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Photographers tend to follow the "rule of thirds" when framing a subject. Play around with it though. Try framing the model in different places for different feels to the image and don't be afraid to use the center of the frame too.

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As a photographer I am obsessed with light. I think about the quality of light, the intensity of the light, the direction of the light, etc. Sometimes though I find it more important to think about how to position my shadows, rather than the light, to add drama and intensity to an image. I imagine it's like drawing the negative space. Which image do you...
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I don't often do black and white treatments but every once in a while I get tempted. What do you think? Black & white or color?
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The emotional relevancy of an image can be dramatically enhanced when the eyes are dancing. I love the way the eyes can draw you into a photo and lock you there, making portrait photography particularly meaningful for me. What tends to draw you into an image?
Some of my boudoir photography using window light!