I bumped into my friend Kelly today, who I hadn't seen in a year or two. I snuck up on her in the book store, and the smile that split her face when she turned to hug me was even more beautiful than I remember. She seemed so genuinely glad to see me. There was something about that sincerity of that smile that brightened my day immeasurably. I also got a new job today at Famous Dave's BBQ. MMMMHHH... Delicious BBQ (insert Homeresque drooling noises here.) I battled a crazed vampire bat in my house tonight. This basically consisted of the bat flying around and divebombing me about 50 times, until I grew weary of trying to capture it in a humane fashion. So then I smashed it in the face with a frying pan, rendering it temporarily unconcious, and threw it outside, much to the dissapointment of my cat. Then I watched one of the best and most depressing Anime movies I've ever seen, Grave Of The Fireflies. I'm supposed to see my Special Lady Friend tommorrow before we both go to work, so I should probably hit the sack. This entry is most likely rife with both spelling and grammatical errors, but I'm too damned tired to care.
yes i would like to hang out soon as well. it'd be nice