Its been a Texas minute since I've been on here. I got fired from my job on some Nazi corporate bullshit. Jobs like that, however, come a dime a dozen. It's too bad I can't take all of my friends with me. I fucking love those wacky bastards. I went camping 4th of july weekend with the gang as usual. It was rather uneventful. I started a new job yesterday, delivering pies. It seems pretty cool. I have kinda been seeing someone of late, and it's going quite well, but I find myself dreading any conversation of the state or title of our relationship. Things just seem to run more smoothly without any kind of title. I started reading a really interesting book about the Samurai today. Oh yeah, and I got my tat finished last week. It itches like a Mo Fo. I suppose thats a good thing though. I know I've said this before, but our President is such a monumental piece of shit. I'm so sick of all his Uberpatriotic rhetoric and speeches devoid of any sort of meaning whatsoever. I've never seen anyone talk so much and say so little. He Fucking sends kids to die so that the stock portfolios of his Arms and Oil industry chronies will continue to flourish. I am so sick of hearing people say "How could he be profiting when the war is costing us so much?" The money for the war comes from us, the average Joe taxpayer. Then the Corporations move in and profit from the reconstruction of a country we should never have bombed the shit out of in the first place. And the rich get richer...
hey trouble.
Have i ever told you that you're one of the funniest people i have never met? Yiou'll have to come and visit me soon so we can go out and cause some good ol' fashioned trouble xx