Where to begin. Thanks for all the B-day wellwishery guys. I'm back in SG action after a brief hiatus due to a fried hard drive. Good thing it was under warranty. I start back at my old job waiting tables on Wednesday. It will be good to be working with the gang (or whats left of them anyway.) More importantly, however, I am going to see Handsome Boy Modeling School tommorrow night at the Paradise. And that is wonderful. I really coudn't afford the ticket , but it was a birthday present to myself. Thanks me. No problem. No, I mean it. You shouldn't have. Aw,
. Where was I? Boston, I believe. Or I will be tommorrow night. I went to say hi to WugglyUmp and Evldedgrl at thier work this evening and the Wugglemeister snuck by me on some ninja shit and escaped. I did at least see Evldedgrl though. A word of advice to all of you guys. If you have valuable info on your computer, stories and poems and such, back it up on disk. Trust me. Now I will return to my regularly scheduled session of kicking ass at Jade Empire. That and reinstalling all the programs on my laptop. Damn it feels good to be online again!
i'm sorry i didn't notice, my chest was trying to explode at work so i needed to go home and use my steriod inhaler. i heard you call on the last ring and i'm like wuh? now i'm hope and not sleeping. i'm going to have to visit you at YOUR!!! place of employment and get myself a blondie...mmmmm. i hope you're well pooper and i hope you have good fun tomorree
Yep. I learned the hard way,BACK UP EVERYTHING...