I went to go see standup tonight and got stuck sitting up front. Note to self: do not sit up front ever again. It makes you an automatic target for jokes. Good Times....yeah. At least he was ragging on other people too. I suppose if you can't laugh at yourself your doomed to lead a pretty miserable life, though. It really pisses me off that my car is in the shop for the weekend. I keep thinking "Oh, I'll just run to blankety blank bank for some blank. FUCK!! No Car. Maybe Ill just stay here." I finally started reading The Davinci Code. Seems interesting so far. In some ways it reminds me of "In The Hand Of Dante"(a superb novel by Nick Tosches.) I wish that all Reality shows and anyone who has anything to do with them would simply wink out of existence. Not die, mind you, just cease to be. Is that wrong?
I'm not a huge fan of the old pitster but any man dressed up as a greek warrior is going to score brownie points with this lady!
Yes that's the Bob Dylan book i wanna read - have to go to borders as it's on sale there!