So we were forced to cut our camping trip a little short yesterday. Stupid rain. We did hike Mt Adams, however, which is the second tallest mountain in NH at 5,774 ft. The weather was nice going up. The trail went up through King's Ravine. We went through these ice caves, which were pretty cool. Then there was this stretch of like a mile and a half that was almost straight up vertical gain. It was pretty much a free climb. We had a great view until we got to the top and it started raining. And there was about a hundred people up there, coming in from all these different trails. The way down was sort of terrifying. All the rocks were all slick, and there were all these nasty little holes and caves to fall into if you slipped, which I did 3 or 4 times. Brandon cut his arm up pretty good. But we did it . And now I am in pain. But it was worth it. I got home around 9ish last night, and I didn't feel like doing much. I watched The Libertine, which was Fucking awesome. Johnny Depp rules. I think I'll be taking it easy today.