Today was filled with many small pleasures. It started off with a listen to the new Fantomas before work. It is pure ruthlessness. Work was boring, but at least I've been getting along well with the ex. Then I smoked some pot and wailed on the drums for a couple of hours, which was quite exhilerating. T and I kicked the hack around for an...
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Yeah, I'm supposed to go see this girl I'm corresponding with and talking to this weekend. I hope all goes well, and she doesn't kick me out.
A certain girl has managed to put Jonas in a very good mood once again. I am hesitant to call her my girlfriend, but I suppose she kind of is. So much for playing it cool. Things are moving very fast, but it feels right. Maybe some of that good karma I racked up is finally paying off. biggrin love biggrin love biggrin
Work was tedious and boring today. After work I went out with my buddy and his girl for drinks. It makes me smile to watch them together. Then we met up with a bunch of friends at the Strange Brew. I drank a little more than I typically do, but I wasn't driving and I've been in a pretty good mood lately so Fuck it....
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have a good day you pooper.
I have met someone that is so much like me its frightening. Love at first sight is bullshit. How can you love someone you don't trust? But I do feel way too comfortable around her. And things got kinda heavy last night. But we have agreed that neither one of us is in the proper frame of mind for a relationship. And so we will...
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aw hooray for you then!
Hey, you should try having a girlfriend you never have met surreal
Registered the car today. I worked tonight and made some pretty fat cash. I went to the Arrow with the guys and played some Tiger Woods 2005. Pretty boring day. I think I'll take a late night stroll since I'm all caffeinated. I have the day off tommorrow. That's cool. Oh yeah, I almost forgot, we had A party for all of us April and...
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hooray for finally getting your camera back, bring on the naked jonas pictures!
That's O.K. Just some regular pics will do. Unless you wanna get naked. smile
Damn do I feel Handsome today. What a fantastic show. I forgot Chaos was opening up. Seeing him and his amazing band alone would have been worth the ticket price, but there was another pretty good opener- The Rondo Bros. And Opie-O and Casual from Heiro showed up. And Dres from Black Sheep showed up. And Josh Hayden sang a couple of songs. My throat...
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I don't know any of these people. I feel very old. frown
i have no idea who these people are except for prince paul, but i am way glad for you. i've heard of handsome boy modeling school.

hooray for fun. the show i went to was way fun, but yes i am working to much, and don't have much to show for it. damnit puke
Where to begin. Thanks for all the B-day wellwishery guys. I'm back in SG action after a brief hiatus due to a fried hard drive. Good thing it was under warranty. I start back at my old job waiting tables on Wednesday. It will be good to be working with the gang (or whats left of them anyway.) More importantly, however, I am going to...
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i'm sorry i didn't notice, my chest was trying to explode at work so i needed to go home and use my steriod inhaler. i heard you call on the last ring and i'm like wuh? now i'm hope and not sleeping. i'm going to have to visit you at YOUR!!! place of employment and get myself a blondie...mmmmm. i hope you're well pooper and i hope you have good fun tomorree shocked
Yep. I learned the hard way,BACK UP EVERYTHING...
My computer is ill. Bad ill, not good ill. I also am feeling a bit under the weather. Probably allergies. Doh! Okay my computer keeps chiming like when you get a coin in Mario Bros. and the lag is fierce. I started a virus scan about six hours ago and its not even close to finished. Stupid technology. I need to be more productive tommorrow...
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!! kiss kiss
Just kicking back at home tonight. Conserving funds. I stormed out of work the other night. So much for two weeks notice. I applied at a couple of restaraunts and I have some more apps. to fill out. I was in the Mall today and I went by my old work to say hi to the girls and they were all like "Oh you should...
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i hoe whatever job you go obtain, you aren't miserable. i'm so tired. sammy woke me up at five thirty and now i'm like um...sleep? sleep? where'd you go. i do have a snake in my shirt though. i'll give you a call on my break tonight or something to see how are you doing. i do believe amo and i are going to the yee after work...
now i'm not so sure we're going drinking...dangit
I'm giving my two weeks notice at work tommorrow. Fuck that place and all of its petty bullshit. I don't even have another job lined up, but nothing motivates you to find a new job like not having a choice. I can't take another sweaty grimy summer in that sauna of a warehouse. I'd rather hustle for tips in an air conditioned restaraunt. I found...
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Hey, thanks! Happy birthday to us both.
nice talking to you tiger
Jonas was bored senseless. He had felt this way for as long as he could remember. He was an insomniac in a city that always slept. When he gazed upon the streets of Manchester, which he had lived in his entire life, it was as if he were looking out over a stagnant grey swamp. The noxious, cloying vapors that wafted from it stung the...
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This sounds like the beginning of a great detective novel--featuring the criminal mastermind, BobDylan5. Thanks for the testimonial! smile
Hey no problem. It was high time for your testimonial.
Off to work once more... If I'm not back in 9 hours, send out my furry friend over here. And put some good shit in that little barrel. At least a Snickers. And some jerky. And stuff.