I've never listed any "favorite pics" on my page before, so a few days ago I got this bright idea to start gradually going through all the sets on the site and picking my favorite pic from each. Seventy sets later, I have 70 favorite pics.
Some of the pics were easy to pick out because I already knew them well. Like an image or two from Al's sets that, for better or worse, are permanently seared into my retinas. Some of the other sets I checked out at random for the first time, and found some good pics in all of them...
But when I tried picking my 71st favorite pic, I got a message that I had reached my limit. No more favorite pics. I guess I'll have to start over and be more selective...
Why is there a limit to the number of favorite pics you can choose, though? I can't imagine that simply maintaning long lists of thumbnails would take up much extra bandwidth -- after all, the pics are all hosted here already.
And more importantly, why can't I choose my favorite pic of all as one of my favorites? It just won't let me...
Some of the pics were easy to pick out because I already knew them well. Like an image or two from Al's sets that, for better or worse, are permanently seared into my retinas. Some of the other sets I checked out at random for the first time, and found some good pics in all of them...
But when I tried picking my 71st favorite pic, I got a message that I had reached my limit. No more favorite pics. I guess I'll have to start over and be more selective...
Why is there a limit to the number of favorite pics you can choose, though? I can't imagine that simply maintaning long lists of thumbnails would take up much extra bandwidth -- after all, the pics are all hosted here already.
And more importantly, why can't I choose my favorite pic of all as one of my favorites? It just won't let me...

Hello, fellow Introvert.
toottoot beepbeep!