I wrote this poem three years ago. I hadn't read it since, but honestly it's one of my best.
or Joe
Everything happening
I know what people
like but
you don't seem to
Everybody assholes
and opinions too
Losing the keys to the
castle in high school,
but your brand of tom-
foolery is cashed
I've never felt less
like doing anything
Life on the highway:
knife in the face
At least that's how
they do it in Cry Lake
Crying late at night
depths of love
deaths of cigarettes
In back of the bike-
shop in the alley
Lay last night's
depressed deposits
In a sad sack
in cash
Lock all the medi-
cation in the cabinet
Grandma's coming
shotgun to Grandpa's
nuts all the while
The lilt of melody
filling heads
Feet defeated like
last season's Caesars
Nowhere near are
godly images
Sunshine cold car
winter morning
All our offspring
shrugged the fuck off
Waiting for you
Wabash Avenue
another two
Dad laughing as I
play in traffic
Ten and a half hours
pushing up flowers
in the anus of again
Great America, so
great! The best!
I love talk in
the gutter. Great spot.
Chemical warfare
fucking everywhere
Allah, Paxil & Seroquel
Peace is the biggest
tease in town
stoplightless, horseless.