not much to report, except for everything...
geesh. whatta tricky transitional time it is. alliteration aside (heehee), what with the debauchery, the jail, the girlfriend, the life and the quitting of the job, etc... it's been an interesting year so far.
i only expect the best so if this is all i have to endure to get there, then rock on. there're worse things. although, the jail part was one of the worsest things possible... so that'd be very close to the top of my list of worser alternatives and i already did that one.
my cat, my buddy, my bestest friend keeps bringing me dead things... so not fucking cool. i hear that it's just a sign that he loves me or whatever but i am not going to pretend to understand the mind of another species unlike so many pet psychic/shrinks in so cal... he operates on a completely different reality than i do so i wish he'd just stop killing shit in the house.
so far it's: 2 mice, 1 bird and a big ass fucking squirrel.
i thought it was charlotte's web out in the backyard but apparently it's the killing fields. i was out there a couple times this week to get some sun on my translucent skin. it was oddly quiet. like, seriously, no birds chirping in my yard. no squirrels chippering or whatever you'd call it. only the rustling of the branches with spring's buds just beginning to flower...
man, obviously the prose is one of the last things to go... jeebus.
anyway, i need my buddy to stop killing shit and bringing it into the houe. it's very upsetting. and if it aint dead yet i gotta put it outta it's misery which is not ever fun.
so my plan is to gracefully pull out of the nosedive into crazytown and manage a sketchy landing in pleasantville (no referrence to dumb band and decent movie).
i'll let you know how it turns out.
geesh. whatta tricky transitional time it is. alliteration aside (heehee), what with the debauchery, the jail, the girlfriend, the life and the quitting of the job, etc... it's been an interesting year so far.
i only expect the best so if this is all i have to endure to get there, then rock on. there're worse things. although, the jail part was one of the worsest things possible... so that'd be very close to the top of my list of worser alternatives and i already did that one.
my cat, my buddy, my bestest friend keeps bringing me dead things... so not fucking cool. i hear that it's just a sign that he loves me or whatever but i am not going to pretend to understand the mind of another species unlike so many pet psychic/shrinks in so cal... he operates on a completely different reality than i do so i wish he'd just stop killing shit in the house.
so far it's: 2 mice, 1 bird and a big ass fucking squirrel.
i thought it was charlotte's web out in the backyard but apparently it's the killing fields. i was out there a couple times this week to get some sun on my translucent skin. it was oddly quiet. like, seriously, no birds chirping in my yard. no squirrels chippering or whatever you'd call it. only the rustling of the branches with spring's buds just beginning to flower...
man, obviously the prose is one of the last things to go... jeebus.
anyway, i need my buddy to stop killing shit and bringing it into the houe. it's very upsetting. and if it aint dead yet i gotta put it outta it's misery which is not ever fun.
so my plan is to gracefully pull out of the nosedive into crazytown and manage a sketchy landing in pleasantville (no referrence to dumb band and decent movie).
i'll let you know how it turns out.

My cat once brought a live, but injured, bird into the house. It got out of her mouth, flew around, flew into the bathroom, then it landed in the tub. I thought "Aha!, now I can capture it!", then it promptly jumped down the drain. Not fun to get it out. We figured it was going to die anyway in the process of trying to get it out, so we decided to humanely drown it first. This was all happening on Easter, with the arrival of family imminent.