the only problem with not having a job is that the money sucks...
i've actually run out of money... like kinda fuhreal. maxed out the credit cards, a big fat (-) minus in front of my checking account balance.... dizzam. when all these fuckers said "you're so brave to just quit your job with nothing lined up" i confidently replied "the best thing i can hope for is collossal failure!" well, it's not quite like that. i am eating some major financial shit but then again that has never really mattered to me... don't get me wrong - i grew up on food stamps and welfare with a single mother and that whole sob story but i just don't give a shit about making a million $$ nor do i have a remote sense of value associated with the almighty dollar. but i gotta can't do as much shit when ya ain't got no scrilla... then again i've been doing fantastically well despite that debilitiating fact of life..... but then everything is relative and i've been known for being the guy who always throws money around an will cover the tab time and again. ya see it makes mee happy so it's not much of a gesture really...
so anyway i have been getting completely saucy for free for days... not only that but one of the top three things tha make me manialcally happy is palying records and i've been doing that more nights than not!!! not only that, but to almost bizarre and uneccessarily positive response. that feels very, very good. to do somethign for the sake of doing it and with no agenda or dumb-assed fake purpose and to look up and see that there is a grip of people totally freakin' out with you is a fucking kick... i could go into detail but why make this entry any longer at this point...
suffice it to say that the absolute saturation of joy for a few moments here and there far outweight the useless suffering through another day warming a seat for some cocksucker wasting any talent or skill i may have on scoring that motherfucker another million bucks!??!?! i nay make some cash at some point that will blow the grade curve but i would never imagine myself tyring to make more and more of that usefull yet meaningless fodder.. i can make a gri and live happily on the interest.
until then, if indeed that's my fate, i know i have areally nice tent that i can pitch down by the river in a geographically moderate climate. if that's the worst i have to fear then i wouldn't trade a day...
wednesday night drunken ranting kicks ass!
(i'm gonna submit this without proofreading and suffer the potential typos... whoo!)
i've actually run out of money... like kinda fuhreal. maxed out the credit cards, a big fat (-) minus in front of my checking account balance.... dizzam. when all these fuckers said "you're so brave to just quit your job with nothing lined up" i confidently replied "the best thing i can hope for is collossal failure!" well, it's not quite like that. i am eating some major financial shit but then again that has never really mattered to me... don't get me wrong - i grew up on food stamps and welfare with a single mother and that whole sob story but i just don't give a shit about making a million $$ nor do i have a remote sense of value associated with the almighty dollar. but i gotta can't do as much shit when ya ain't got no scrilla... then again i've been doing fantastically well despite that debilitiating fact of life..... but then everything is relative and i've been known for being the guy who always throws money around an will cover the tab time and again. ya see it makes mee happy so it's not much of a gesture really...
so anyway i have been getting completely saucy for free for days... not only that but one of the top three things tha make me manialcally happy is palying records and i've been doing that more nights than not!!! not only that, but to almost bizarre and uneccessarily positive response. that feels very, very good. to do somethign for the sake of doing it and with no agenda or dumb-assed fake purpose and to look up and see that there is a grip of people totally freakin' out with you is a fucking kick... i could go into detail but why make this entry any longer at this point...
suffice it to say that the absolute saturation of joy for a few moments here and there far outweight the useless suffering through another day warming a seat for some cocksucker wasting any talent or skill i may have on scoring that motherfucker another million bucks!??!?! i nay make some cash at some point that will blow the grade curve but i would never imagine myself tyring to make more and more of that usefull yet meaningless fodder.. i can make a gri and live happily on the interest.
until then, if indeed that's my fate, i know i have areally nice tent that i can pitch down by the river in a geographically moderate climate. if that's the worst i have to fear then i wouldn't trade a day...
wednesday night drunken ranting kicks ass!
(i'm gonna submit this without proofreading and suffer the potential typos... whoo!)
Hey did you see the SN&R article (mostly about the food)? Sounds like fun tonight!
i gotta box full of yer toys!