"Siddhartha said: "O Illustrious One, in one thing above all have I admired your teachings. Everything is completely clear and proved. You show the world as a complete, unbroken chain, an eternal chain, linked together by cause and effect. Never has it been presented so clearly, never has it been so irrefutably demonstrated... the world, completely coherent, without a loophole, clear as crystal, not dependent on chance, not dependent on the gods. Whether it is good or evil, whether life itself is pain or pleasure, whether it is uncertainbut the unity of the world, the coherence of all events, the embracing of the big and the small from the same stream, from the same law of cause, of becoming and dying: this shines clearly from your exalted teachings O Perfect One. But according to your teachings, this unity and logical consequence of all things is broken in one place. Through this small gap there streams into the world of unity something strange, something new, something that was not there before and that cannot be demonstrated and proved: that is your doctrine of salvation,,,through this small break however, the eternal and single world law breaks down..."
so if salvation-enlightenment-is the purest state of being; the answer to every question; rising above the illusory thoughtforms that dictate our lives... how fucked up is it that it's very attainment rejects the untiy of all things? given a choice, i'd go with unity over enlightenment... oneness with all things alone on the mountaintop? i feel best when i feel more connected to the unified state of struggle, suffering, hardship, and in a word: humanity.
so if salvation-enlightenment-is the purest state of being; the answer to every question; rising above the illusory thoughtforms that dictate our lives... how fucked up is it that it's very attainment rejects the untiy of all things? given a choice, i'd go with unity over enlightenment... oneness with all things alone on the mountaintop? i feel best when i feel more connected to the unified state of struggle, suffering, hardship, and in a word: humanity.