tonight is very inspirational....
makes me realize why i moved down here again....
makes me re-realize why i am doing what i am with my life....
makes me love more then ever......
she knows why......
i just want to play forever and ever.....
this day makes me so happy and sad........
yet all those emotions.....
it most of all makes me want to.......
get every emotion out of this body and mind.....
glassheart = Everything.
tonight is very inspirational....
makes me realize why i moved down here again....
makes me re-realize why i am doing what i am with my life....
makes me love more then ever......
she knows why......
i just want to play forever and ever.....
this day makes me so happy and sad........
yet all those emotions.....
it most of all makes me want to.......
get every emotion out of this body and mind.....
glassheart = Everything.
just to make you smile. I am smitten.
arent you supposed to be showering? I should be eating. blah. hunger.