Wow, I made a friend. I log on to look at boobies and fannies (when shown). To find my dull witt and bland personality has gotten me a friend. Baraq made my day, no longer does this website insult me with "You have no Friends, HA HA". So now I must keep a poorly maintained log as I have no social life, nor does anything interesting really happen. Since I'm not a female flashing her boobies, I doubt anyone will take interest in me anyway.
Baraq made Twi'lek characters for SIMs. While she's debugging her sim creations. I'm looking for Sim furniture for my sims to get it on, so I can make Twi'lek Sim Porn.
So I guess some of you want to know about me, especially if your still reading.
I'm a bitter shell of man who drinks too much. There ya go, now you know.

Baraq made Twi'lek characters for SIMs. While she's debugging her sim creations. I'm looking for Sim furniture for my sims to get it on, so I can make Twi'lek Sim Porn.
So I guess some of you want to know about me, especially if your still reading.
I'm a bitter shell of man who drinks too much. There ya go, now you know.


As for the lighstaber... 6d6? What are you using a short one? Normal lightsabers do damage by d8 (with varying damage depending on your Jedi Level), anywhere from 3d8 to... wow, I'm a fucking goober.
I -have- entertained the notion of running a Star Wars RPG chat at some point... but I don't know if there'd be enough of a following for it to actually spend that kind of money.