Again, I don't think citing the Sheinbein trial does much of anything in a discussion about Israel except show that you're grasping for straws. There aren't many people in this country (or in the world) who believe that what happened in that trial was fair.
What's interesting is that so many people think this is a PR department situation, when in reality, Israel has no sort of public relations at all. They're attempts just end up sucking, and then you have organizations like Amnesty International (which I have my own issues with, but that's another story), who go out of their way to point out what Israel does. Nobody ever hears in the news about how Israel is more sensitive when checking Muslim women at border crossings than Jordan, Egypt, Syria and Lebanon are. But of course, when it all comes down to it, Israel is SUPPOSED to be better than all of those countries. Because Israel knows better, right?
I could spend hours talking about how much I hate the Israeli government. Bringing up specific trials is comedy to me. The government recently gave holocaust survivors a monthly grant that is laughable if anything, and the education ministry recently allowed for Naqkba to be placed in Israeli Arab textbooks (Naqkba, meaning "despair," is what Arabs refer to Israeli Independence Day.) Ketushya rockets are being sent into Sderot daily and the government isn't doing shit. If you want to point out to me that the Israeli government is flawed, we can talk all night and I'll be on your side. But aside from any religious claim whatsoever, Israel was given, has paid for, and has fought numerous wars for, the land that it is on. And that is nothing shy of legitimate. Nothing at all.
I still have lots of problems with the fangs ... Im just STILL going to biweekly appointments to fix it all. Most expensive mouth EVER!
And London was a thin slice of hell. Thank god Manko and Atomic and Hood are so damn cool.
What's interesting is that so many people think this is a PR department situation, when in reality, Israel has no sort of public relations at all. They're attempts just end up sucking, and then you have organizations like Amnesty International (which I have my own issues with, but that's another story), who go out of their way to point out what Israel does. Nobody ever hears in the news about how Israel is more sensitive when checking Muslim women at border crossings than Jordan, Egypt, Syria and Lebanon are. But of course, when it all comes down to it, Israel is SUPPOSED to be better than all of those countries. Because Israel knows better, right?
I could spend hours talking about how much I hate the Israeli government. Bringing up specific trials is comedy to me. The government recently gave holocaust survivors a monthly grant that is laughable if anything, and the education ministry recently allowed for Naqkba to be placed in Israeli Arab textbooks (Naqkba, meaning "despair," is what Arabs refer to Israeli Independence Day.) Ketushya rockets are being sent into Sderot daily and the government isn't doing shit. If you want to point out to me that the Israeli government is flawed, we can talk all night and I'll be on your side. But aside from any religious claim whatsoever, Israel was given, has paid for, and has fought numerous wars for, the land that it is on. And that is nothing shy of legitimate. Nothing at all.
And London was a thin slice of hell. Thank god Manko and Atomic and Hood are so damn cool.