You know... I hate it when I have to apologize to someone... I loathe it when I go way out of line and have a hissing fit of such caliber. And I must apologize however when being wrong.. Since technically this person doesn't talk to me, I will make a former public apology here.
I'm sorry God about today. I really thought I was getting the shit end of the stick again and that everything was going to hell in a handbasket especially with my horse bleed all over the place. I'm sure you hear a lot of apologies when good things happen to people after they've bitched or prayed to survive things. I just wanted to make a open apology. I know part of me always wants to strangle you in the afterlife, but never for such a personal reason where I was going to draw blood and wage another war in heaven over. But please take note, my shit meter is full and if anyone needs my help, they're going to have to wait until I'm finished saving my own ass, and the asses of Family and my Horse.
What who'd you think I'd be apologizing to? Only god is more perfect then me.
I'm sorry God about today. I really thought I was getting the shit end of the stick again and that everything was going to hell in a handbasket especially with my horse bleed all over the place. I'm sure you hear a lot of apologies when good things happen to people after they've bitched or prayed to survive things. I just wanted to make a open apology. I know part of me always wants to strangle you in the afterlife, but never for such a personal reason where I was going to draw blood and wage another war in heaven over. But please take note, my shit meter is full and if anyone needs my help, they're going to have to wait until I'm finished saving my own ass, and the asses of Family and my Horse.
What who'd you think I'd be apologizing to? Only god is more perfect then me.



thats coz it is 

That you.. I think I will be seeking out a new dentist for my fangs. =p