Doing research for a story I'm in the process of pulling from that marvel I call a mind and while surfing the internet. I am surprised while brushing up on my basic human gestation how even today the world is FLAT.
Now there are tons of Christians, Jews, and Muslims out there (albeit not many of the devout Muslims as it's wrong to look upon a naked woman not your wife, well atleast until they reform like the other two did, but I wouldn't hold your breath, it took Christianty almost 500 hundred years and even now there is some back sliding as we long for the "Good Old Days" and "Gods Final Judgement that will solve all our problems" but I digress).
Evolution has been a sore subject of man for ages, such a simple idea that man simple came to be. Where as our animal cousins developed claws, we used our minds to develope skills to make tools to protect, feed and shelter ourselves. It sounds reasonable, but I think the reason we cling to creationism is well it's sort of makes us all illegitimate children of the universe. I mean if we really look at evolution as a common occurence, then by simple reason there are other planets out there with sentient life. I use the word sentient, since I do not consider Humans to be Intelligent, as they lack any understanding of their world. Pity really.
Collectively Evoluition makes us those parentless children that run wild in the street, accidents of nature and no real connection to the "Creator" (Pick your favorite). As to why this is important is beyond me, while sentient life covers the vast planets that orbit stars, we forget the law of averages. The reason why men have millions of sperm cells for one egg. Why in the early days of man, men could have 12 wives keep each pregnant and only have 3 to 4 children reach reproductive age. Because life that can imagine a god, perceive that there is more to what one can touch, taste, see, or hear. How many worlds had their Adam and Eve die in a lava flow, or their enviroment change so quickly the whole lot of sentient being died out, like the dinosaurs.
In earths history the human population went from almost a million in one area to six thousand in less then six months. You tell me how special we are just to survive this long, forget fellow man nuking your ass or some nut job on their own twisted Jihada flying planes into buildings. There are Extinction Level Events that we have not experienced, an E.L.E. may or may not give Humankind that Tombstone, the marker where human history ends, but it just might be around the corner.
Still it hard to believe that some people still believe the sun revolves around the earth, that the Earth is FLAT, and Man was created in the Image of God. Now doesn't that last one sound a little self important to you?
But what do I know, I still think Monothesism is a bad idea, when there were many gods we only fought for important stuff. Now look what we fight, kill, and maime over.
Now there are tons of Christians, Jews, and Muslims out there (albeit not many of the devout Muslims as it's wrong to look upon a naked woman not your wife, well atleast until they reform like the other two did, but I wouldn't hold your breath, it took Christianty almost 500 hundred years and even now there is some back sliding as we long for the "Good Old Days" and "Gods Final Judgement that will solve all our problems" but I digress).
Evolution has been a sore subject of man for ages, such a simple idea that man simple came to be. Where as our animal cousins developed claws, we used our minds to develope skills to make tools to protect, feed and shelter ourselves. It sounds reasonable, but I think the reason we cling to creationism is well it's sort of makes us all illegitimate children of the universe. I mean if we really look at evolution as a common occurence, then by simple reason there are other planets out there with sentient life. I use the word sentient, since I do not consider Humans to be Intelligent, as they lack any understanding of their world. Pity really.
Collectively Evoluition makes us those parentless children that run wild in the street, accidents of nature and no real connection to the "Creator" (Pick your favorite). As to why this is important is beyond me, while sentient life covers the vast planets that orbit stars, we forget the law of averages. The reason why men have millions of sperm cells for one egg. Why in the early days of man, men could have 12 wives keep each pregnant and only have 3 to 4 children reach reproductive age. Because life that can imagine a god, perceive that there is more to what one can touch, taste, see, or hear. How many worlds had their Adam and Eve die in a lava flow, or their enviroment change so quickly the whole lot of sentient being died out, like the dinosaurs.
In earths history the human population went from almost a million in one area to six thousand in less then six months. You tell me how special we are just to survive this long, forget fellow man nuking your ass or some nut job on their own twisted Jihada flying planes into buildings. There are Extinction Level Events that we have not experienced, an E.L.E. may or may not give Humankind that Tombstone, the marker where human history ends, but it just might be around the corner.
Still it hard to believe that some people still believe the sun revolves around the earth, that the Earth is FLAT, and Man was created in the Image of God. Now doesn't that last one sound a little self important to you?
But what do I know, I still think Monothesism is a bad idea, when there were many gods we only fought for important stuff. Now look what we fight, kill, and maime over.

I know the DVD which you speak... its as bad as it looks. =p