Unrelated notes and a shout out to all the ladies that talk to me. Why do the ladies want to talk to me? Maybe it's got something to do with my beautiful eyes and the fact I wear boots.
Hope everyone had a wonderful turkey day. I had my first non-eventful and pleasant day. No injured pets, no pets dying, no relatives hurt or sick.
Other then a friend telling me to sod off, since she didn't like my opinon on her becoming a surrogate mother and the man who's paying for the fertilization is romancing her. Yet, no one listens to me. My comment was money or romance, but not both. Wew did the flames fly.
Should hear about the boat today, since the Holidays are over.
I would like to take this time to bitch about a dangerous creature now infesting our streets...
The Soccer MOM, while I enjoy watching these amateur Caravan driving "C" cup momma's being rammed full of hard cock. I find their yuppie attitudes and inability to pay attention to what their doing, especially driving as dangerous.
I have no idea what can anyone possibly be talking about on the phone for fifty minutes at speeds in excess of 65 mph (120 km) and swerving back and forth in lane. I figure they must be talking about their next web porn gig, where they enjoy sex more unlike their 1 second husband at home.
Now of course Soccer mom's are a subset of these Sport mom yuppie do gooders that annoy me as they fail to understand that their brain is not a paper weight and thinking is not something you do while shopping.
I'm getting sick of them trying to kill me. Failure to yield, failure to stop at a red light, failure TO PAY FUCKING ATTENTION TO THE GODDAMN ROAD! I mean what the fuck is it with them and the cellphone.
Also what in the hell can anyone be talking about for 20 to 50 minutes? What? Can anyone answer that question for me?
Thank you for listening to my rant.
P.S. So any more SG girls want to be my friend?
I just realized my half wits and comments have brought many an SG girl here. Is it my fur or my pretty eyes that attract them, no it's my wits... well half of them.
Speaking of friends I am missing Baraqiel aka megumi , the net isn't the same without her about. She was my first friend here and promised me SIM twi'leks so I could make Genki Sim Twi'lek porn. (sigh) Alas, I think she is moving to Canada or something. She didn't find me that witty or funny I think, didn't like my view on the whole paranormal thing.
So I hope everyone who has been reading this had a great weekend.

Hope everyone had a wonderful turkey day. I had my first non-eventful and pleasant day. No injured pets, no pets dying, no relatives hurt or sick.
Other then a friend telling me to sod off, since she didn't like my opinon on her becoming a surrogate mother and the man who's paying for the fertilization is romancing her. Yet, no one listens to me. My comment was money or romance, but not both. Wew did the flames fly.
Should hear about the boat today, since the Holidays are over.
I would like to take this time to bitch about a dangerous creature now infesting our streets...
The Soccer MOM, while I enjoy watching these amateur Caravan driving "C" cup momma's being rammed full of hard cock. I find their yuppie attitudes and inability to pay attention to what their doing, especially driving as dangerous.
I have no idea what can anyone possibly be talking about on the phone for fifty minutes at speeds in excess of 65 mph (120 km) and swerving back and forth in lane. I figure they must be talking about their next web porn gig, where they enjoy sex more unlike their 1 second husband at home.
Now of course Soccer mom's are a subset of these Sport mom yuppie do gooders that annoy me as they fail to understand that their brain is not a paper weight and thinking is not something you do while shopping.
I'm getting sick of them trying to kill me. Failure to yield, failure to stop at a red light, failure TO PAY FUCKING ATTENTION TO THE GODDAMN ROAD! I mean what the fuck is it with them and the cellphone.
Also what in the hell can anyone be talking about for 20 to 50 minutes? What? Can anyone answer that question for me?
Thank you for listening to my rant.

P.S. So any more SG girls want to be my friend?

I just realized my half wits and comments have brought many an SG girl here. Is it my fur or my pretty eyes that attract them, no it's my wits... well half of them.
Speaking of friends I am missing Baraqiel aka megumi , the net isn't the same without her about. She was my first friend here and promised me SIM twi'leks so I could make Genki Sim Twi'lek porn. (sigh) Alas, I think she is moving to Canada or something. She didn't find me that witty or funny I think, didn't like my view on the whole paranormal thing.

So I hope everyone who has been reading this had a great weekend.

i just ate belgiun chocolates mmmmmmmm
I understand about being fickle .. I wish more people were. wtf.. who ARE all these poeple on my friends list?!